18: you can tell me.

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Scribbling my pen across my notebook I copied the notes I still had to go over for the test coming up. Mr. Hader was giving us the second part of class again to study and we were all grateful. As I was busy concentrating I heard someone walk around my table and up to the front. I looked up out of pure curiosity and realized it was Jada walking up to Mr. Hader's desk. Watching from behind my laptop I saw him look up from his desk, his glasses perched on his nose before he pushed them up with his finger. I couldn't help but smile to myself at the cute little gesture. My eyes then went over to see Jada bent somewhat over the desk, surely an attempt to get him to look down her shirt and I couldn't help but laugh to myself as Mr. Hader seemed oblivious. Returning back to my notes as small smile came to my face again.

It was the end of class and I was packing up my stuff as I made eye contact with Mr. Hader. I gave him a smile as he returned it and as he was about to say something he stopped himself as he must have seen Jada walk back up towards him. I saw her out of the corner of my eye and went back to closing my bag before making my way out of the room. I heard my phone buzz and I checked it in the hallway.

Wait for me outside 😊


As I sat at table waiting outside of the building I decided to put my headphones in and listen to music. I pulled out my notebook to organize it  and watch people go by as the sweet sound of The Beatles played in my ears. After a while I heard the main doors open, causing me to jump slightly and as I looked over Jada was on the phone as she walked away. Then, I heard my phone go off once more.

Be out in a minute 😁

Not long after I heard someone call my name, making me look up and my heart sank as I saw who it was. I got up from my seat, trying to not engage with him as I started to walk away.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" He said as he walked after me and grabbed onto my arm making me turn around.

I kept my eyes off of him as he spoke up again, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" 

He let go of my arm and I finally looked up at him. 

"Are you a mute now?" 

I tried to speak but I couldn't, it felt like my throat was becoming tighter and my heart was all the way into my stomach. I felt sick as I starred up at him. 

"What's going on guys?" I heard the familiar voice of Mr. Hader say from behind me. 

"Nothing sir" he answered as I stayed silent. 

"Well alright I think you should get going." Mr. Hader said in a stern tone. 

He walked away after giving me one more glance and I stayed still for a moment, not turning around. 


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