55: The Hospital Visit pt. 2

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The room seemed to close in on itself around me as the white walls suffocated the energy since Jada left. As I laid in bed sobbing a nurse rushed in saying my heart rate had increased to a dangerous level. 

That was last night and I hadn't slept a wink, just staring up at the ceiling in a daze. Noticing the sunrise and the vibrant colors which had amazed me just 12 hours before was now just a dull reminder of a new day. My face was tight, dry tears having settled as my eyes were puffy. My phone had gone off a few times, but I didn't have the energy to check, or the emotional capability of possibly seeing it was Bill. Breakfast was brought in and the nurse helped me sit up, trying to make me as comfortable as possible. All I could stomach was the orange juice however, as Jada's words rang in my head. A migraine soon set in and I emptied the contents of my stomach- not that there was very much anyway. Mom came in for a few hours in the morning, and as soon as she stepped into the room a flurry of questions were thrown my way. I didn't answer many and we didn't talk much during her visit. She just held me as we watched a movie on the small screen. I could tell she was very hesitant to leave me alone but I lied, telling her I was simply tired and worn down. 

I sat on the edge of the bed, my sock covered feet dangling off the side as the soft sounds of music played through my headphones. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I pulled them out and the nurse told me of a new visitor. My heart clenched as he walked in the room, the all too familiar sting of tears forming in my eyes. He looked handsome, as he always did. In his arm was another bouquet of flowers, my absolute favorites which I'd mentioned in passing before. As he set them down amongst the others, I couldn't look at him again, keeping my eyes on the floor. 

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" Seeing him walk over and kneel down in front of me in my peripheral vision, it took everything in me to hold back my sobs. "Will you look at me?"

Shaking my head, I refused. As his hands grabbed onto mine, that was the final straw and I squeezed my eyes shut, letting the tears flow. 

Bill's confusion was evident as he furrowed his brows and tried to caress my cheek, pulling my forehead to meet his. 

"I'm sorry" the words finally spilled out of my mouth. 

"Why are you sorry? Talk to me, baby. What's wrong?" 

"I- I can't-" 

"You can tell me anything" putting both his hands on my cheeks, looking into my swollen eyes. 

My mind raced with the decision of whether to be honest, to tell him what Jada had said or-
I couldn't even finish that thought as I felt my stomach do a flip, "I need to use the washroom." 

Bill helped me up without another word and I grabbed onto the IV pole, turning to close the door behind me once I reached it.

"I'll be right here, okay. I'm not going anywhere." 

Reaching my hand up to caress his cheek I gave him a small smile before entering the room alone. Looking at myself in the mirror for the first time I was taken back at the reflection. Dark circles sat under swollen, red eyes. A red flush overtook my whole face and I licked my dry lips, irritating the cracks. After splashing some cold water on my face and taking a drink from the faucet I felt a little better. 

"I'm not going anywhere."   

Finally opening the door just a crack I could see him sitting with head in his hands. The door creaked and he shot his up to look back at me, "hey baby." 

"Hi" my voice was small as I walked over to sit next to him on the bed. Silence fell between us as I could tell he was figuring out what to say, or ask. "I'm okay" I finally said, gripping onto the pole a little tighter. 

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