43: the aftermath

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I sat in the lobby of the hospital, an ice pack on my cheek as I waited for Bill to pick me up. Apparently I had fainted and woke up later in the hospital where they gave me a couple stitches since Flynn had rings on. The phone call to my parents was tough as I explained my situation and I texted Piper, saying I'd tell her in more detail later. As I sat waiting I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Bill knew something was up the moment he picked up as it was close to 3am. My foot bounced against the floor as I watched the doors, just waiting for his tall figure to appear and when it finally did, I broke down.

"Hey" Bill sighed as he bent down in front of me, bringing me into his embrace. "It's okay baby" he hushed, rubbing my head softly.

As we parted I could see his eyes were filled with worry.

"I'm sorry" I whispered through my cries.

"Why are you sorry?"

I just shook my head.

"C'mon, let's get you out of here."


"Let's take a look" Bill said as we sat on his couch.

Taking the ice pack off he could see the bandage that covered the stitches. My whole cheek was red and I could tell he was shocked by how bad it looked.

"You don't have to" I said, putting the ice pack back on.

My mind kept replaying what Flynn had said. Even though I knew we was wrong, I was still aching inside at his words.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"Nothing..." Tears were brimming my eyes as I looked anywhere but at him.


"I just can't right now." I said, hoping he'd understand.

He shook his head in response. I knew he was upset but I just couldn't talk about it right now.


Starring up at the ceiling I couldn't fall asleep. Bill waited for my to sleep before he did and it got the point where I just had to fake it so he could rest. Hearing his soft snores I looked over to him, his face so peaceful and body relaxed. Quietly getting out of bed I made my way to the bathroom. Taking off the bandage I was still shocked seeing the stitches.


Him saying that word rattled in my mind.

"Babe you okay?" Bill's voice said softly on the other side of the door.

"Yeah" I said back, swallowing the lump in my throat before opening the door. "Sorry, just had to pee."

He reached his hand out for me as he led me back into bed. Feeling his arms wrap around me and my back against his chest I took a deep breath.


"Oh my god!" Piper cried out as she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm okay" I said.

I could se tears in her eyes.

"Really P, i'm alright."

"I'm just- I'm so sorry" she sighed, leaning her head against my shoulder as we sat on my bed. "Do you wanna talk about it?"



I could hear the whispers as I walked to my seat in Bill's class. Luckily the swelling and redness had gone down but the bandage stood out like a sore thumb.

Not to mention how fast gossip travels fast around here...

Everyone I had walked past looked at me and I couldn't help but feel so self conscious. Trying to ignore the stares and whispers I sank into my seat, pulling my hoodie sleeve over my hand and covering my cheek.
I hadn't been sleeping or eating well either and I knew my dark circles and ghostly complexion didn't hide that well either.

Class went by smoothly as I kept my head low, focusing on the work for our upcoming test. Bill let us study for the last part and I was honestly thankful as my mind had been too busy to even think about studying before.

We were soon dismissed and as I packed my bag, I heard my name being called. Turning around I came face to face with Ryan, a guy I'd known since I first started at this school but never really talked to.

"I just wanted to say I heard what happened and-" he reached into his back pocket to pull something out. "- If you ever need anyone to talk to, we host a support group every Thursday. I hope I'm not overstepping or anything... but I know how hard stuff like this can be so feel free to stop by if you need any extra support."

A smile came to my face as I thanked him.

"What was that?" Bill asked in a hush voice.

"He just invited me to a support group..."

He shook his head as I looked away.

"I should get going." I said, grabbing my bag and putting it over my shoulder.

"I'll call you later."

I just nodded, walking away as i looked down at the card still in my hands.


"C'mon!" A voice echoed all around me.

"We both know you're not so innocent." Another joined in.

I tried running away but the four walls of the room were solid, no exit.

"You think you're this shy, innocent little girl, but we both know that's not true." Flynn appeared.

"I mean, I sure as hell do". Logan came from behind him.

Their tall figures peered over me as I felt myself become smaller and smaller.

"You're just a slut, used goods." Logan taunted.

"Yeah-" Flynn chuckled, "who's gonna ever want you now?"

"Does Bill know? Huh? Does he?"

"Does he know about that night?"

Tears rushed down my face as I cried out, "stop!"

They both laughed, "like he could ever really love someone like you!"

Feeling my body being jolted awake I opened my eyes to see Piper above me.

"(Y/n)? Hey! It's okay!"

I could feel tears sting my cheeks as I blinked my tired eyes.

"It was just a dream" she comforted me.

"Sorry" I finally said, "just had a nightmare."

"I know, I could hear you crying and your body was twitching."

"Did I wake you?"

"It's okay." She moved a piece of hair that had stuck to my sweaty forehead.

Sorry for the shorter chapter! I'll try to make the next few longer :)
Thanks so much for reading, stay safe and healthy Hadernation !! 💗

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