62: Spring Break Confession

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My family and I were in a rental car on our way to the resort in Maui. The view was beautiful and hot weather felt so nice after the long past few months of winter. I sat in the back next to Shawn as Naomi and Eric sat in the pilot seats and my parents were up front. Feeling my phone buzz again, I smiled seeing a cute text from Bill. Suddenly though it was ripped out of my hand by Shawn.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled, trying to snatch it out of his grip.

"Who's Bill?" He asked while looking at the phone in one hand while pushing me away with the other.

He then began reading out the text and I unbuckled my seat belt, practically climbing on him to grab my phone, "Shawn!"

"Stop it you too!" My mom warned as I finally got my phone back.

"You're such a little shit" I spat out while glaring at him.

"Language!" Mom warned again, "This is supposed to be a lovely family vacation, please!"

Feeling the heat spread across my face and neck I felt so uncomfortable.

My entire family were just made aware that I had a boyfriend they didn't know about and were read out a text message from him.

The rest of the ride was silent before we eventually got to the resort. It was late in the evening so my family decided to go out to dinner, but I wasn't feeling very hungry.

"I'll meet you all downstairs" mom told everyone as they left the room.

My heart dropped as the door closed and I knew what conversation was coming.

"Mom I-"

She sat down beside me on the bed and held my hand, "so, you have a boyfriend?"


"How long have you been seeing each other?"

I sighed, not wanting to lie to her, "for a while."

"Okay" squeezing my hand she nodded. "Where did you two meet?"

I gulped while avoiding eye contact, feeling overwhelmed with guilt, "uh at school..."

"Are you alright?" Mom always had a way of knowing when something was up. "Sweetheart, you know you can tell me anything."

"I know, I know."

She raised her eyebrow while inching closer to me, "what's wrong?"

"I'm afraid-" I paused.

"Afraid of what?"

Tears came to my eyes as I finally looked at her, "afraid that you'll be upset."

"Why would I be upset? Honey, it's okay" her hand caressed my cheek as a tear fell.

"His name is Bill" I started.

"Bill, okay."

"He's- he's older."

"Alright, how much older?"

"Like, quite a bit. He's-" I felt like I could throw up as she looked at me with a mix of concern and anticipation.

"He's a professor."

We sat in silence for a while as she processed my confession. Her hand didn't leave mine though as I began to cry, really not wanting to disappoint her. I wasn't ashamed of my relationship with Bill, but understood that some others not accept it. And I hated that my family could be included in that group.

"Does he treat you right?"

My voice cracked through tears, "yeah he's- he's amazing."

She pulled me into a hug and I cried into her shoulder.

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