45: his office

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(warning: this chapter gets a little spicy 🔥)

"What are you doing?" Piper asked as she looked up from her laptop.

I'd been standing in front of the closet for a while now, looking unimpressed at the clothes in front of me, "I hate my clothes."


I sighed, "I just- it's all so bland."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" She asked, practically throwing her laptop off her to stand next to me.

Rolling my eyes I couldn't help form a smile on my face.

"Does this mean we get to go shopping?" She whispered.

"Yes... And I'll need your help."

She squealed, "FINALLY!"

I scoffed, "excuse me?"

"I didn't mean it that way!"


"I don't need anything from here" I said, stopping outside of Victoria Secret as Piper walked in.

"Oh, I think you do." Grabbing my hand she pulled me inside. "Now that we're both no longer single... I think we deserve a little something something."

Not going to lie I felt a little lost as we began looking at all the lingerie.

"What about this?" Piper pulled something off one of the racks and as I saw it my eyes widened.

"Yeah I'm sure you'd look great in that."

"Well, have you found anything?"

"Not really." I stood in the middle of the store empty handed, chuckling as I saw Piper's hands were now full.

Then she gasped, causing me to jump slightly.


"This is perfect!" She pulled out an adorable two piece set.

Walking over to it I took it from her, "it's really nice." I admitted.

"It would look so good on you!" She squealed. "That colour on your skin, woah!"

I smiled at her deciding to take it.


I sat in anticipation waiting for the results of my test. Bill had warned us this one was more difficult and he sure wasn't kidding.

"What's up with you?" Piper asked as she laid in her bed.

"I'm just worried about this test..."


"This was like one of the hardest tests I've had and I didn't study as much as I wanted to."

"I wouldn't worry about it, you're smart."

Hearing a new notification on my laptop I could see a new email pop up... The test results.

"What's the worst thing that could happen if you don't do well?" Piper brought up.

"Um everything..." I procrastinated opening it.

She chuckled, "like what?"

"I've never gotten anything less then a 75 and when I did, I cried to my mom over the phone for a hour. Plus, I would feel awkward if I did bad in his class... You know?"

"I guess... To be honest I think you're too hard on yourself. I and a lot of other people would be overjoyed to get a 75. You're allowed to not be perfect all the time."

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