5: Don't look now

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I let out a deep sigh as I leaned against the door to my room. Closing my eyes all I could see was his face, the way his thick rimmed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose. The way his hand ran through his dark, perfectly unkept hair.

My thoughts were cut short as Piper cleared her throat.

"Rough day?"

"I'm fine." I lied as I made my way over to the bed and put my stuff down.

"I don't believe you." She crossed her arms over her chest as she stood across the room in her robe. "Your face is flushed."

"Really, it's nothing." I gave her a slight smile to try and convince her.

She rolled her eyes before stepping back into the bathroom. As I unpacked my bag, taking out my laptop to begin studying once again, Piper shouted out to me.

"Come out with me!"


"Let's go out. You haven't left this room besides going to class. Let's go out for dinner or something."

I sighed.

"Please don't come up with another excuse." She sighed back as she stood in front of me. "I just want to go out with you, hang out with you..."

Her eyes pleaded with me as she waited for an answer.

"Fine, let's do it." I finally gave in.

Her face lit up as she pulled me into a hug.

"Omg! Okay we're leaving at 7!" She squealed. "- and wear something cute." She winked.

Standing infront of my closet I felt lost. I didn't pack a lot of "going out" clothes. I mostly packed tshirts, sweatpants and jeans.

Piper gave me a confused look as she stepped beside me.

"I have nothing to wear."

"Really?" She began going through my clothes. "Wow, it this all the clothing you brought?"


"Here" she moved over to her side and riffled through some items before pulling one out. "You can wear this!"

I looked at red dress in her hands, "oh, I don't know."

"C'mon you'll look great!"

"It won't fit me."

"You never know until you try it on."

Finally taking it from her I made my way to the bathroom to try it on. Surprisingly it actually fit me quite well. I stepped out and was greeted with a shocked look on Piper face.

"Girl, you need to show off that body more often!"

I couldn't help but laugh and look at myself in the mirror again. I smiled to myself as I went over to my reflection,  I actually felt really good.


We stepped into the campus restaurant and I couldn't help but feel out of place. I took a look around as Piper asked the hostess for a table for 2. This was the fanciest place on campus, I'd never actually been here  other than for meetings or dinner events. The place had a seductive and dark aesthetic, maroon velour covered all the chairs and booths and big chandeliers hung over each table. Piper grabbed my arm as we were about to be escorted to our table. As we passed by table after table I couldn't help but feel a little self conscious as I made eye contact with numerous onlookers.

"Don't worry, you look hot" Piper whispered to me as she squeezed my arm.

The hostess showed us to our table and we took our seats. We were soon left alone and I felt a little better.

"So what were you thinking?" She asked as she flipped through her menu.

"Oh, I usually just get a Caesar salad."

"No, I meant for alcohol." She chuckled.

"Oh, no I don't want a drink."

Her eyebrows raised. "C'mon, even just one for our girls night dinner?"

I shook my head and gave her a sympathetic smile. We remained quiet for a moment before I heard Piper clear her throat. She kept her head down but shifted her eyes up to look at me.

"We've got a looker at 4 o'clock."

I furrowed my eyebrows together as I leaned closer to her, "what?"

"Don't look now but there's a certain male specimen looking your way."

My heart rate increased as I straightened back up in my seat. I tried my best to look around nonchalantly, trying to get a look at this "male specimen." I finally peered over my shoulder and now my heart rate not only increased, but felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I quickly shot my head back to look at Piper.

"What?" Her eyes widened.

"It's not the guy in the brown jacket, is it?"

"Yeah" she half smirked.

My face fell as butterflies swarmed in my stomach.

"That's Mr. Hader."

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