20: the woman from the restaurant...

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Walking into Bills class the next day I couldn't help but get butterflies. Looking up to the front I was a little disappointed he wasn't there already but I let it go and sat down in my usual spot. The big test was tomorrow and I couldn't lie, I was stressed out. I always got worked up over tests and the fact that my mind had been reocuppied with Bill wasn't helping. Not that I didn't know the material, but I've always expected highly of myself in school and took each and every test very seriously. As I scrolled through the notes on my laptop the familiar sound of Bills voice suddenly filled the room and I looked up to see him, once again being followed by Jada. I couldn't help but shake my head slightly as I shifted in my seat, glancing over at them as I tried to concentrate on my laptop screen.

Remember what Piper said...

I looked back up one last time and saw Jada give Bill a sweet smile before flipping her hair and walking away while swaying her hips. I awkardly looked back down as she passed by me to her seat. Once I felt comfortable enough I glanced up again over to Bill and noticed him glancing over at me too. A small smile came to lips as we made eye contact and the same smile played on his face as he tried to make it no too obvious.

"Good morning class!" He greeted as he then turned his attention over for class to begin.


As I went over my notes again and again during the end of class I felt my foot start to anxiously bounce off the floor. I really had no reason to be so freaked out but I couldn't help it as I anticipated tomorrow. We were soon dismissed and as I gathered my things I heard my name being called my a familiar voice. Looking up, I saw Bill nod towards me and as my classmates all left I made my way over to his desk. Awkwardly I stood a few feet away and watched everyone leave but then saw Jada give me a bit of a glare as she was the last one to leave the room.

"Hey" I heard Bill say, making me turn back around towards him.

"Hi" I said back as I grabbed my bag straps.

"Is everything alright?"

"Oh uh, yeah totally" I said rather unconvincingly.

He raised his eyebrows at me.

I sighed, "I guess I'm just a little stressed is all."

"About what?"

"The test tomorrow" I confessed.

"Why? You're one of the smartest people in the class, we both know you'll do well." He said as he leaned against his desk.

I sighed again, "yeah I've just always been this way I guess. I just worry this'll be the one that I fail which will then make me the fail the class, then the course, then the year and I won't be able to graduate." I scratched my neck as I looked down at my feet

"Woah" he came over and grabbed my shoulders. "Look at me."

I looked up hesitantly at him, "I know it's easier said than done but believe me, you have no reason to be worried. You'll do fine, you'll be fine, you'll graduate."

I searched his eyes for any sign of doubt as he said this but as I couldn't find any I was able to relax and give him a smile, "thanks Bill."

He smiled back at me, "no problem babe."

I felt my heart flutter as he said this and a blush came to my cheeks.

"I should probably be heading to class..." I said as I pulled out my phone to check the time.

"Yeah, of course -" he said as he checked his watch. "- but I'll see you at about 4:30 for our last study session?"

"Yeah" I bit my lip as I gave him a smile. "Can't wait."


Walking back down the familiar hallway I turned on my phone to check the time.


I was slightly late as my last class ran a little long so I basically ran all the way here. To my surprise though as I neared Bills room I noticed the door was open, which was a bit unusual as ever other time I've come to our study sessions it's been closed. My eyebrows furrowed as I heard laughter come inside and I quietly moved so I could sneak a peek inside without being seen. My heart dropped to my stomach as I saw Jada sitting on Bills desk as he sat in his chair. They were talking about something but I couldn't hear exactly what. My mind went crazy as I thought about what to do next.

Should I just walk in like nothing's happening? Should I leave? Should I go home and cry?

After a moment I decided on the first option and stood up straighter, fixing my top and bag straps as I held my head high.

That's MY boyfriend.

I looked over to Bill and as soon as he saw me his face lit up.

"Oh hey!" he said as he stood up.

Jada turned around and as soon as she saw me her face dropped.

"Hi" I said as I looked at Bill.

"Here for your study session, right?" Bill asked.

"Yes I am" I said, trying to play along.

Jada then got up from the desk and fixed her skirt before looking over to Bill. "It is was nice talking to you Mr. Hader." She said sweetly as she smiled to him.

"You too Jada" he smiled back at her.

I stood awkwardly as she picked up her bag and walked away, coming towards me. I glanced over to her and she gave me a rather unimpressed look as she walked by me. When we heard the door close I let out the breath that I was holding and Bill pulled up a chair for me.

"Let's get started?"

I shook my head as I walked over and sat on the chair. Bending over to pull out my laptop I couldn't help but feel his eyes on me. Once I sat straight up again I noticed him shift in his seat as he began going through papers on his desk.

"So -" he cleared his throat. "Is there anything specific you wanted to go over?"

I thought about it for a moment, "um, i've been reviewing pretty much everything from chapter 1-"

Then we heard a knock on the door, cutting me off. Bill gave me an apologetic look as he got up to answer it.

"Hey Bill!"

"Oh hey, Erin!"

I looked over from my laptop and again, felt my heart drop.

The woman from the restaurant...

Sorry it's been a few days since I updated, I've been quite sick but thanks for waiting.

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