26: a surprise

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I woke up feeling an arm slung around my waist. Squinting my eyes to look at the time I could see it was just past 3am. Putting on my glasses I tried to sneakily get out bed to use the washroom. At one point Bill stirred and I stopped, thinking I had woken him but he just moved as he stayed asleep.

Turning on the light to the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess as it sat in a bun on the top of my head and the mascara i had on was now smudged under my eyes. Turning on my phone I sat down to use the toilet and I was shocked to see the notifications I had. Piper seemed to have texted me a rant and I was just too tired so I decided to read it in the morning. I also had a missed call from my mom so i put on a reminder to call her back.


"Everything okay?" I heard Bill ask in a groggy voice as I tried to quietly get into bed.

"Yeah, I'm sorry did I wake you?"

"No-" he stretched "- I didn't feel you next to me."

My heart melted as I heard that and I crawled under the comforter into his arms. His hand went into my hair as I had let it down from the bun and I sighed in content.

"What should we do tomorrow?" Bill asked in a whisper.

"Sleep" I answered jokingly.

"I like that plan" I could tell he had a smile on his face.


Walking out of Bills room and down the hallway I could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. I had slept in, as it was around 10am when I woke up and I was sad to see he wasn't next to me. As I walked into the kitchen I got a whiff of maple syrup and moaned to myself. Bill was standing in the front of the oven with a t-shirt and basketball shorts, his hair was still a mess and I could tell his beard was growing out. Walking up behind him I put my arms around him and kissed his back.

"Good morning" I mumbled.

"Good morning" he smiled.

"Something smells good!" I said as I looked at the bacon that he frying.

"Yeah? I thought I'd make something special for you."

I leaned up to kiss him, "do you need help with anything?"

"No, I'm okay why don't you watch some TV or something? This should be ready soon."

Hesitating for a moment I finally walked away back to his room for him to finish. I picked up my phone off the nightstand and checked it.

4 text notifications from Piper.

Call back Mom.

Stop having sex for one moment and text me back!

I chuckled as I texted her back.

Sorry! What's up?

"Hey babe it's ready" Bill said as he peered into the room.


Sitting back in my chair I let out a satisfied moan as I licked my fork clean.

"Was it good?" Bill asked as he smiled over to me.

I nodded my head, "that was the best breakfast I've had in a long time!"

He chuckled, "well I think anything is better than dorm food or University breakfast."


We were then interrupted as I heard my phone ring and I gave Bill an apologetic look as I pulled it out of my hoodie pocket.


Sighing I looked over to Bill who was now gathering the plates and taking them over to the sink.

"I have to take this" I said as I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

My mom would kill me if I didn't answer again.

As soon as I clicked accept I could hear her voice on the line.


"Hi mom."

"How are you honey? You didn't call me back!"

"I've been sleeping, it's Saturday morning" I chuckled.

"You never sleep this late..." She said in an accusing tone.

"School has been busy..."

"Okay, well guess where we are!"

"I don't know, where?"

"On our way to see you!"

My heart dropped as I heard that and I looked over to Bill who joined me in the living room.


"Yeah! We wanted to surprise you!"

"Yeah that's definitely a surprise."

I gave Bill a look as he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"How far away are you?"

"About a hour!"

I sighed to myself, "okay."

"We will see you soon love!" She said excitedly before we both hung up.

"Seems like we'll have to do a rain check on today..." I sighed. "My parents are coming to visit, 'it's a surprise'" I said in air quotes.

"Well that's sweet of them!" Bill gave me a smile.

"Yeah but I wanted the day with you!" I said as I looked down to my feet.

"Hey-" he walked over to me, putting his hands on my waist, "- we will have plenty of days to spend together."

I smiled up at him before giving a kiss, "you're the best, you know that?"


Fluffing my pillows, I had finally finished the clean up I had done of the room. Piper and I kept things relatively clean but I know my parents...

Speaking of which Piper had a field day telling me all about what happened with her last night. Apparently Sam had stopped by after his meeting and they had a long talk before agreeing to go on a date tonight. I congratulated her and her cheeks got all red as she talked about him. Soon after she left to go grab some coffee and I heard my phone go off.

We are parking!

Walking down to meet them at the parking lot I saw my mom practically run up to me before swallowing me into a hug.

"Hi mom" I chuckled.

She grabbed my face, "oh I missed you so much!"

"Alright, alright let her breath Nadine!" My dad joked.

He gave me a quick hug and I noticed he was carrying a bag in his hands.

"What's in there?"

"Oh just some things for you" they both smiled.

We made our way up to the room as I gathered my stuff for us to go to lunch.

"Looks nice in here!" My mom said as she looked around.

The door then opened and we all looked over to see Piper.

"Mom, Dad this is Piper. Piper this is my mom Nadine and my dad Stephen." I introduced them as they all shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you!" Piper smiled. "So are you guys off to lunch?"

"Yes, would you like to join us?" My dad offered.

I looked over to Piper and she looked at me, "I'd love to."

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