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The doorbell rang again after I got on a pair of high waisted shorts, and a white fitted tee. I hurried to slip my black chucks on before running down the stairs to the door. When I pulled it open, it sadly wasn't my boyfriend. It was actually just Mani and Masi with little Kayleb running past me muttering something about a bathroom then closing the door for the room. Mani smiled and grabbed me to pull me into her arms, "Baby girl, you look so grown up. Like you hit puberty within the last 6 months that I saw you."
I smiled, "Thanks, Manibear. It's great to see you too. Mom is in the kitchen gossiping with 2/5 of the group." I pointed her towards the back and she nodded, "If Mom asks where I'm at, tell her I ran away. I want her to freak out." I smirked knowing that Mani would do it with the best acting impression she could.

Just as I was about to close the door, Caleb drove up in his Dad's old work truck. I walked out leaving the front door open to meet him as he hurried out of he car and pressed his locks back. Damn, he looks good. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to attach his lips to mine. "You even look beautiful in chill clothes, babe."
I pulled away to see him smirking, "I bet you say that to all your girlfriends, huh?"
He smiled, "I'm pretty sure there's only one girl in my life, but if you wanna be like that. Then-"
I interrupted him by placing my lips on his and stopping him from making a stupid pun. I pulled away and grabbed his hand to guide him inside. "Mom and Dad are still mad, but it's okay. Although Ma may have a little something up her sleeve, so watch out. Also, my god-aunts love to make things awkward so please don't be freaked out." I informed him before we entered the house.
"Thanks for the warning, sweetie." He chuckled before placing a light kiss on my temple.
We walked into the kitchen to see my Mom freaking out terribly beside the sink, "Oh my God, you didn't stop her Mani?"
"Who didn't stop her?" I spoke up causing my Mom to physically feel 3000 different emotions.
"Why did you say she ran away?!" Mom questioned Mani who was laughing hysterically in the corner.
Mani shrugged, "She told me to freak you out and I did it."
I couldn't help but bust out laughing, "You actually did it. I'm so done." I couldn't help but feel my side retract harshly as I began to regain my natural breathing. I pulled Caleb over to the kitchen, where now 4/5 girls from Fifth Harmony were, to introduce him. "Anyways, this is the infamous Caleb Laurence."
Mani chuckled, "Is this the kid you caught Y/N in bed with, Ally?"
I blushed so hard my face was probably the color of a tomato, "We don't talk about it." I demanded.
Lauren smirked, "You're definitely a pretty boy, sir."
"Thank you." He replied looking back at me with loving eyes.
I smirked, "Yeah. He's only one out of the many pretty boys I date. He's just my Monday and Friday boyfriend." My Mom gave me a scared glance, "I'm joking, Ma. Jeez." I laughed causing everyone to burst into laughter.
Caleb smirked, "Yeah. I'm not a Monday and Friday boyfriend. I'm a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday boyfriend. Her other boyfriends are college students at UCLA."
"I don't like these jokes, you two." Mom quipped before pulling out a pan to sit on the stove.
"So, how long have you two been together?" Camila asked leaning into her wife.
Caleb and I stood by each other as he put his hand on my waist, "Almost two years." I replied feeling him put one of his fingers through the belt loop on my shorts.
"How come we didn't hear about him years ago, Ally?" Lauren questioned her staring at Caleb's and my embrace noticing how comfortable we were together.
Mama turned away from the stove to look at Lauren, "Because she kept him from me for a almost a year and a half."
I rolled my eyes, "You wouldn't let me date till I was 16, so I couldn't tell you."
Mama glared over at Caleb and I and took the metal spatula out of the pan to raise it to us, "If you two don't stop getting all lovey dovey over there I will slap you silly with this."
I sighed deeply and pulled away from Caleb to grab his hand and try to guide him out of the kitchen, "Come on, babe. Let's get out of here. It's too crowded anyways."
Mama yelled, "Nuh uh, where are you going?"
"The backyard. Chill, Ma. We aren't horny rabbits." I laughed pulling Caleb out the back door. "Well, not all the time." I said before closing it hoping Mom heard me. I love to get a rise out of her.


"Wow, Alls. She sure is something else." Lauren laughed jumping up to sit on the kitchen counter.
I began stirring the vegetables in the pan trying to get the bad thoughts out of my head, "You're telling me." I turned down the heat to let the food simmer by itself. I turned around and leaned back on the counter, "She's nothing like me or Troy. I mean, she's more like Troy sometimes, but she's just so rebellious and- and.."
"A teenager?" Normani finished my sentence.
I groaned, "It's worse than that. She keeps trying to torture me like this. I mean, the people she hangs out with are really bad. She'll come home smelling like straight cigerettes sometimes. Or sometimes she'll just be so exhausted after hanging out she'll pass out on the couch or the floors. Sometimes she makes it to her bed, but not often."
Camila smirked, "Maybe she's getting high. She's a kid. Lauren used to do that a lot."
"Don't even say that to me. I'm freaking out enough as it is. She's trying to grow up really fast you guys. It scares me." I said trying to relieve the stress by speaking my mind.
Mani walked over to let me put my head on her shoulder, "She's just being a teenager and trying to annoy her mom. We were like that once."
"We were never this bad, you guys." I looked over through the hallway to see if she or Troy was standing in the hall eavesdropping. Once I saw the coast was clear, I explained further. "I found a lot of pills in her room the other day. Like a couple of pill bottles."
"You snooped through her room?" Lauren asked me feeling a little offended. She has this thing about personal space that is very strong.
I rolled my eyes, "First of
all, I'm her mother and this is my house so what's hers is mine. And second of all, I was putting up some of her clothes that she forgot in the dryer and the pill bottles were just laying in there. They weren't even covered up with socks or anything. I don't know how she even got them or what they're for. Ever since that day, she's started locking her door. I don't know what I should do."
"Pills. You've kept it from her this long? We all are gonna talk to her now." Normani said hurrying out of the kitchen.
I grabbed her arm before she could escape. "Stop. We can't mention it until I'm sure about all of this. The last time I found something that turned out to not be such a big deal, she stayed up in that room for almost 2 months. She barely even came downstairs to eat or drink because she said she didn't trust me. I worry about her, but I want proof before going to her. I need to know its a big deal."
"What's a big deal?" Dinah whispered scaring the crap out of me and making me scream quietly.
"Damn it, Dinah Jane. You scared me." I groaned feeling my body stop shivering.
Dinah laughed and pulled Mani into a hug, "So, what are we talking about?"
Lauren spoke up as Dinah pulled her into a hug, "Y/N has pill bottles in her room, but Ally doesn't know whether or not to make a big deal out of it. Which she should anyways because they're pills."
Dinah stopped hugging Lo and turned to me. "Where are they?"
I shurgged, "Her room, but the door is locked."
Dinah took off up the stairs, "I can unlock it."
I liked being able to count on 4 other women that could help me be a Mom.

Mother ➳ Ally Brookeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن