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I woke up in the dressing room surrounded by the girls and our tour nurse, Laura. A lady around the age of 50-60, but she was very helpful during tour.

"What happened?" I asked but my voice was groggy.
"You passed out." Mani said handing me a water bottle.
"What?" I couldn't believe I passed out. There's no way.
"Your blood pressure was sky high, Ally." Laura said to me.
"What? Why?" Then it all can back to me, "Oh my god, I got to find y/n." I tried to get up but I felt two hands pull my shoulders back down to lay.
"Not right now. You gotta rest up." I looked up to see that Dinah was holding me.
"My daughter is more important." I replied trying to get up once again.
Dinah pushed me back down, "Chill, mama. Lauren and Camila are out looking for her."
"I should be out there looking for her." I muttered. "What time is it?"
Normani picked up her phone and looked, "5:34."
"Crap. Where's my phone? I gotta call Troy. I told him Id check up with him at 12 and totally forgot."

Dinah got up to grab my phone from the snack table and bring it over to me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, "We'll leave you here in private to talk, but only if you promise to stay laid down." I nodded which allowed them to leave.

I began to scroll through my contacts to find his name. When I did, I pressed the call button. How am I even going to tell him that she's taking pills again? Or worse. How am I gonna tell him she just ran away?

"Hello." His deep voice cut through.
"Hey." I tried to sound enthused but I had no happy energy left in my body.
"What's up, babe? And why do you sound so.. down?"
I inhaled deeply before thinking about how I'd say it, but there was no use. I had to be honest with him. "Troy, something happened to y/n."
"What? Is-is it bad? Do I need to come down?" He asked automatically becoming worried.
"Lauren caught her using pills again, and when they said they were gonna tell me she..."
"She what, Ally? Spit it out." Troy was growing impatient.
"She left. I was gonna go find her but when I found out she was doped up and walking around town by herself I apparently got really stressed and passed out for a couple of hours." I admitted feeling like the worst parent in the history of parents.
"Well, you need to find her now. Have you even tried to call?" Troy asked and I could hear him close a door.
"We did but her phone is off. Lauren and Camila went out to find her while I was passed out. I'll call them after I get off of here and tell you what I find out."
He sighed for a long time until he responded, "Okay. I love you and I'm praying."
"I love you too, Troy. And I'm really sorry."
"Just find our baby, Alls." He hung up the phone and I felt so bad. I know that if she isn't alright, Troy will be so disappointed and we won't be the same.



I walked to this bridge I saw when we were passing by to go to the mall. It's not a big bridge and it seems like it's not even used anymore.

It looks like it travels into a trail to go up the mountains but I digress. I got closer to it and decided to keep that as my final destination.

The pills caused me to be a little unsure of where I was headed but I guess I made it alright.

I can't believe it. My Mom really said she was proud of me? Wow. And I've already fucked it up. I have to be honest. It was nice not being yelled at or having to be so rude to her. Now it's over before it even started. I can't believe it. Why am I such a fuck up? James was always so cool and such a good kid. I mean, he's actually like me but he's good at hiding himself from our parents. Plus he always gets good grades, is in every sport or club, and never complains. Mom and Dad should've stopped when they had him. Their lives would've been so much better. Hell, even my life would've been better.

I sat down and let my feet dangle off the side of the bridge over the water. The water was higher up than I would've expected, but it looked nice. Especially with these pills. It was just a calming setting.

My phone started ringing in my pocket and when I saw it was Aunt Lo, I just turned my phone completely off. I didn't want to come back. I couldn't. I stuffed it back into my pocket and felt 3 tiny items. I pulled them out to see they were the other three Oxys I stashed away for later.

I gripped them tightly in my hand and glared out into the calm waters below me.


About 2 and a half hours later of me being alone with my thoughts, I started to feel the effects of the pills wear off. I pulled out my last 3 and took them. I've never took more than two, which usually fucks me up, so I'm sure 3 is going to bring me up on a whole other cloud. A cloud I'll call 'Cloud 13'.

After a few minutes of the medication being released into my system, I felt everything. The warmth was over bearing yet comforting. It was everything I could've imagined. My thoughts were everywhere.

I'm such a terrible person to Mom. Why couldn't she had just left me in Houston with Dad? What's the point in me even being apart of this family? Jason gets all the good things anyways. They won't miss me. I know they won't. No one will. Not Caleb or Bailey. The only person who'd probably miss me would be Aunt Lo, but I'm sure she'd get over it since I'm just her Godkid.

I stood up on the edge of the bridge and looked down at the now sloshing waters below. The water was no longer calm, but raging intensely like my emotions.

I lifted one foot off of the metal beam and closed my eyes.

I heard a familiar voice call me from behind, "Y/N?!"
I didn't open my eyes knowing it was probably just the pills playing mind games on me.
A few tears dropped down my face once I noticed what I was doing.
"Y/N, No!" It sounded like Aunt Lo.

I didn't turn around. I just leaned forward and let go of the beam behind me until I crashed into the waters below. That's when things faded to black and my thoughts went with it.

Mother ➳ Ally BrookeWhere stories live. Discover now