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That's when I saw her. She just dropped into the water like it was nothing.

"No!" I cried running towards the bridge to try and rescue her.
Camila sprinted after me and grabbed me by my jacket to hold me, "Babe, you can't go in there. That water is way too deep."
I felt tears start to fill my eyes, "I'm not gonna let her die, Camila. She's like our daughter, too."

I pushed past her to see that y/n was no where in sight. I pulled off my jacket and shoes and dived in to hit the harsh and cold water. I opened my eyes under the semi clear liquid and I saw her body sinking to the bottom. I swam down to reach her and when I did, I noticed her shoe was wrapped around some plant causing her to be stuck. I did my best, with what little air I had, and pulled her shoe off to clutch her body and swim to the surface.

I tilted her head up above the water as I swam to the side to pull her up onto dry land. I pulled her up to the bridge to lay her flat on her back. I leaned in my ear to her mouth to hear of she was breathing. Nothing. Not a sound.

"Camila call for help." I told her as my voice was trembling. I whispered to the small girl below me, "Don't you dare die on me, y/n."
I breathed into her mouth and pulled away to start pressing harshly on her chest. Nothing. I repeated the process about 4 more times. I was quickly losing faith. I tried one last time while praying to God that this would work. If not, I'd just have to check the time and we'd have to wait for the ambulance to come and take her away for the last time.

When I did it one last time and pressed into her chest, she finally started to cough up water and come-to slightly and fluttered her long eyelashes. I pulled her close to my body and rocked her as tears of happiness streamed down my cheeks.

Her body was still limp, but she was slowly coming to. I pulled away to see her sobbing intensely. "Why?" She asked sniffling. "You should've just left me."
"I wasn't going to let you die. Why the hell would you say something like that?" I asked clutching her in my arms not ready to let go yet.
"Just forget it and let me go." She said wiping her tears off of her cheeks and trying to straighten up.

The ambulance quickly pulled up and two paramedics hopped out the back. "Who's the one that's hurt?" The taller man with dark brown hair asked.
I got up and left y/n on the ground so the men could examine her.

I walked over to Camila and she wrapped me in her arms and started to rub my back to comfort me. I couldn't help but cry. I didn't understand. Why should I? Why would she just give up on everything? What was so bad that she would just end it all there?
"Shh, baby. You did what you were supposed to do." Camila soothingly said trying to calm me down.
"I can't- I cant see her like this. I gotta go call Ally." I said pulling away from my wife and grabbing my phone out to go to a secluded place to call and break the news to her.

The phone rang for a few seconds before Ally answered with a distressed voice, "Lauren, I'm on my way out. Have you found her?"
I sniffled, "Yeah, Alls. We found her."
"Wha-what's wrong?" She asked and I could hear her slam a door shut.
"Ally, she.. she jumped off of a bridge." I had to tell her the truth. I couldn't let her be blind to what really happened. Silence. I heard nothing from the headset. "Ally are you there?"
"She j-jumped-d?" Her voice was unbarebly shaky. "Is she.. gone?"
"No, no I saved her. The paramedics are here taking care of her." I answered wiping my eyes trying to perforce what she's going through right now.
"Where are you at, Lauren? I want to see my daughter." She said trying to keep herself together but I could hear her voice catch a little.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Camila with sad eyes. "Babe," I held my hand over the mic of the phone. "They said she's full of drugs and could OD any second. They're taking her to hospital to pump her stomach."
My stomach cringed in pain for her and I nodded before turning around and replying to Ally, "Alls, we have to go
to the hospital. They said that y/n is in danger of Over dosing."
"I think I'm gonna be sick." She replied with her tears slightly muffling her words.
"I'll see you there, Alls." I replied before hanging up. I couldn't bare to tell her anymore knowing she'd make me even more emotional than I already am.


My daughter, she- she tried to kill herself? What's happening? Things were going so good today. Now everything is complete shit. And you wanna know what? I blame myself. I blame myself for not being a good mother to her. Not only that but I also blame myself for letting it get so far. I should've never said that I was happy to get away from Troy and the kids that one time. It was all a mistake that is now having the worst counter effect in the world.

While I was on the phone with Lauren, I snuck out of the dressing room and took the rental car we were given for a few days. As soon as Lauren told me that they were going to the hospital, I sped off in search for it. I needed to see my daughter. I needed to know she was alright.

As soon as I got to the hospital parking garage, I wasted no time stripping my heels off and running down multiple flights of the cement to enter in through the emergency room. I put the heels back on as I steadied myself on the front desk while speaking to the nurse, "I need to see my daughter. Her name is Y/N Hernandez-Ogletree."
The lady rolled her eyes and looked through the papers in front of her, "Your daughter was just brought in. The doctor should be taking care of her now. You'll need to wait until they come to get you."
Come and get me? There's no time. My daughter's stomach is being pumped. Worse than that, I'm not even sure if she's conscience at the moment. "To hell with the doctor! I want to see my damn daughter!"
"Ma'am. You'll have to wait like everyone else. Now please, calm down. I don't want to have to call security." The lady behind the desk warned as she shuffled her papers together and eyes me.
"I can't wait to see my daughter. She just jumped off a damn bridge. How can I be calm?" I responded hearing the words drop from my mouth.
"Ally?" Camila said walking to the front of the building with Lauren softly stepping behind her.
I turned and felt a bit of relief as I hugged the tiny girl. "Oh my god, I'm so happy to see you. This lady won't let me see y/n. Have you heard anything?"
Camila frowned and shook her head, "No. Nothing."
I turned back around to the desk, "Ma'am. This is very important. I need to make sure my daughter is okay. I'm sure you understand. I don't know if you're a mother or not, but if it was you, I'd let you back there. I need you to just let me slide by and tell me where she is. Please." I begged clutching the end of the desk profoundly. My chest was hurting as the worry in my
body grew.
The lady looked to Lauren and Camila and frowned before looking back to me, "Ma'am, like I said before, if you don't go wait for the doctor I'll call security."
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked and my voice carried throughout the hospital.
Lauren picked me up by my waist, "C'mon, Ally. Let's leave."

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