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We stood outside her door and Dinah pulled this key tool out of her black Louis Vuitton bag. It had a small pin and flat edge. She stuck the item in the door knob and began wriggling it around.
"Don't you have a key, Ally?" Camila asked me as she took a drink of her soda.
I shook my head, "Not after last time. She went out and bought a new knob for her door. I'm telling you guys. She's good at hiding now."
"Got it!" Dinah whisper yelled once the door clicked open.
Lauren took the item from Dinah, "Why do you even have this?"
"I leave my keys in the house way too much." Dinah laughed snatching the item and putting it back in her bag.

We all crowded in and I told Mani to be the watch for Y/N. I shuffled over to the drawer beside the TV where I saw the pill bottles last and I threw a few things around. Nothing. I looked over at Mila, "Check the drawers over there. She probably switched it."
Dinah saw the big bear in the corner and went over to grab it, "Did her boyfriend get her this? It's cute. Imma call it Falfa with a capital F." She giggled at her own joke.
I rolled my eyes as I kept searching through my daughters desk drawers. "Yeah he got it for her."
"Do you hear that?" Dinah asked stopping our conversation.
"Hear what? Your delusional paranoia?" I laughed.
Dinah shook the bear harder
causing a small clanging sound. "That. Something is in this bear."
"It's probably rice
stuffing that people put into stuffed animals now." Camila said walking closer to us followed by Lauren.
Dinah pulled open the Velcro on the back and reached deep into the toy. Her hand stopped moving and she pulled it out with two bottles in her hands. "There's still two more I think." She reached back in and pulled the last bottles out.
Lauren picked up one of the bottles, "Adderall?"
"This one says Oxycodone." Camila said picking up another bottle.
"Xanax?" Dinah said confused.
Mani picked up the last bottle, and read the name, "Ambien."
"She's doing drugs. Hard drugs." I couldn't breathe picturing her even wanting to be so doped up. Not really being able to understand why she'd do all of this.

Troy and I give her everything she could ever want, but she refuses to take it. If she would tell us she wants a horse, we'd buy her one with a full stable and a farm any day. But she keeps to herself up here and now I know why.

"We need to talk to her." Lauren said helping me
sit down before I passed out.
"Talk to who?" The girl in the door way asked us.


Yes I have pills. Hard core pharmaceuticals that other rich kids give me. I don't like thinking that I'm a rich kid, though. I don't like the thought of having money because it tears people apart everywhere else in this cruel world.

Why do I take them? They help me more than my Mom and Dad do. They are good parents, by all means. I just have to fill the void most of the time.

When my Dad isn't doing some music thing, My Mom is. She's always gone. I mean, she puts the fans and music before me. Do you know how many times I've seen her in the past year? Maybe 3 times. Her breaks are usually long, but it's not the same. I need a real family. Not a damn nanny or baby sitter. At least Lauren and Mila let Esmerelda go on tour with them. Well, she is only 5 but she's spent more times with her Moms as a kid than I have all together.

Plus, when she's around she pretends like she cares, but as soon as she's on that bus, Jase and I are the last things on her mind. Even though she wants us to think otherwise.

I know she didn't want me or Jase. It's no secret that Jase was a little 'oopsie' even though Mom and Dad want us to think otherwise. I on the other hand was a huge 'oopsie'. Mom was already having trouble balancing this career with Jason, so when she found out about me coming into the picture, she wasn't too happy about it.

Now don't try to make me think otherwise. I've seen the interviews, and the old rumors. I saw her expressions and the tiredness she had when she was pregnant with me. I'm no idiot.

I love my Mom, okay? I really do. I just wish she'd give me and my brother more love. She's a lovable person in general, but you can tell she isn't the happiest with me. Sometimes I just need to feel love, and these pills help me.

"Talk to who?" I said seeing the 5 women snooping through my room. I walked closer and saw that the clean area I called my own had been ripped through like a tornado. "What the hell did you do to my room, crazies?!" My Mom was speechless. Like she was caught in her own tracks. "Mom, you swore you wouldn't look through my room again. What's up with you and lying to me all the damn time?"
"Watch your mouth, young lady." Dinah scolded me.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, "Can you all get out of here, please?"
My Mom grabbed some objects in her hand and got up to walk toward me. Her face was stern and hurt. When she got face to face with me, her tiny hands opened. "Do you wanna tell me about this?"

The pills. She found them. Play it cool, y/n. "About what?" I smoothly said masking my fear and embarassment.
She scoffed, "Don't play dumb with me, y/n. I want you to tell me why you have these pills and how you got them."
I shrugged, "Would it even matter, now? I can't tell you where I got them, but I'm sure you know why I use them."
"How can you be so calm about this?!" Mom screeched.
"Why lie when you've caught me? I know better than to lie. I raised myself better than that."
Her stare turned colder, "I don't understand what you're saying."
I chuckled, "Good. You don't have to. Just finish your weekend here, and leave for the tour like always. Take the pills if you want. I don't care."
"I'm not leaving for the tour knowing you're doing this, and when your father finds out-"
I interrupted her, "Oh my God. This is what keeps you here to do your job?! Finding out I take pills? Wow, I should've started doing this when I was 4." My sarcasm and anger was coming out in the weirdest way. I don't know how I kept myself so calm while I let these words drip out of my mouth.
She frowned, "Keep me here? Do you think I like having to leave you, Jase, and Dad? Hm?"
I nodded vigorously, "In fact I know you do. I've seen the videos fans got of you that one time. Where you were 'so relieved you got away'. Do you remember? You tried to get Dad to keep the computer away from Jason and I while it trended worldwide? Yeah. I saw it. I told you I didn't to suffice your feelings, but it didn't help mine. Now you can leave the pills or take them, but I want my room to stay my room." I looked back to the other four girls behind her, "No offense to you all. I have nothing against you."

I heard a familiar voice call me downstairs, "Babe. Where'd you go?"
Mom looked at me not fully understanding my rant. "Tonight is the last night Caleb is allowed in this house for another two months because you're grounded for these pills." She stormed by me and just ignored the fact that I basically called her out on her shit.

I guess she really doesn't care.

Mother ➳ Ally BrookeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz