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"They're mine." I breathed out heavily still feeling the pills effect over me. Lauren and Camila's glares quickly shot towards me. It was like Aunt Lo was surprised I was actually planning on taking the fall, and I definitely wouldn't want her to. "If you can't tell, I'm really messed up right now. And she saw that and made me give her my pills. This is all my fault Auntie Mila."
Camila looked at me with a confused glance, "I thought your Mom took your pills away from you that one day."
I shrugged, "I found another way to get them. I was just trying to chill, that's all. I didn't mean for anyone to find out about it, to be honest."
"We have to tell your Mother, y/n. You're taking pills and she needs to know." Camila crossed her arms, not letting up on the topic.
I quickly got up from the couch which made me become light headed, "Please, Mila. I'm begging you. I'm trying to make things better than they were. Believe me, I am."
"I can't keep this from her, kid. You may need help." Her face got softer, but her tone was the same.
"Fine." I grunted going to the back of the bus to grab my jacket, and phone from the bunk.

I walked by Lauren to go to the front of the bus to leave, but she grabbed my arm before I could get too far. "Where are you going?"
I pulled away harshly, breaking free of her hold, "Out. I don't want to be in here when you tell her. That's called being a 'sitting duck'. So, call me when she finds out."
I hurried to jump off the bus and land carefully and started walking to the entrance of the venue.



"Ally, I need to tell you something." Camila said barging into the dressing room with Lauren trailing behind her.
I groaned, "If this is another joke about me not becoming the Waffle House sponsor, I'm not listening. I've heard them all."
Camila shook her head, "No. No. This is about-"
Lauren shushed her, "Camila, this isn't something we should talk about in here."
I looked around to see a few crew members muttering to each other.

Lauren grabbed my arm to pull me out of the dressing room and into the hall. "What's your problem, crazy?" I said rubbing my arm where she tightened her grip on me.
"We need to tell you something and it may not be something you want to hear." Lauren told me as her eyes peered into my soul making me feel uncomfortable and worried.
"What is it? Wait, don't tell me. I really don't want to know. Not right now." I replied trying to keep my stress level down. Lauren held out her hand to show me a pill bottle. I looked up at her confused. "Lauren Michelle, I thought you stopped doing this."
"Jesus Christ, they aren't mine." She groaned handing me the bottle.
I smacked her empty hand, "Language!" I identified the bottle to see it said 'Oxycodone'. "If they aren't yours then whose are they? I mean this is what you used to take."
"If I was on these again do you think I'd tell you? Especially in front of my wife?" She admitted.
Camila quickly nodded and crossed her arms before speaking up, "They're y/n's."

Everything stopped at once for me. My world was crumbling around me hearing that my only daughter was still hurting herself. And for what reasons? I didn't know nor did I even care. She was hurting herself. HURTING HERSELF. I can't stress that enough. What does she want to get away from with these pills? What do they give her that I can't? I try and try and nothing good ever comes out of it. I will give her the world if she asks, she never does. She keeps to herself and I don't understand why.

"Are you sure?" I asked feeling hopeful that it could only be a coincidence. Both of the girls nodded not wanting to say anything else to upset me. "Where is she?" I tried to be as stern as I could but I was basically breaking on the inside.
"She left." Camila quietly replied.
"Left? What do you mean 'left'?" I could feel my blood pressure rise to extreme levels.
"She kinda walked out of the bus and told us to call her when we were done." Camila hesitantly said to me.
"You're joking, right? You let a 16 year old wander around this big town by herself." I was starting to lose my breath. Then the thought came to me, "Please tell me she wasn't on these drugs when you caught her."
Camila looked at Lauren, which caused me to look at her too. Lauren looked down at her feet and responded, "She was."
I was about to have a heart attack. I pushed passed both Lauren and Camila to start walking towards the back of the venue.
I could hear their footsteps as they followed me. "Where are you going?" Camila asked.
"I have to find my daughter. She's doped up and she's walking around this damn city by herself. She could get taken advantage of."
"We'll call her just stop running." Lauren said pulling on my shirt to stop me.

Lauren pulled her phone out to dial y/n's number. I could feel myself growing weaker as the tears were getting stronger. The phone just rang once before the voicemail came on. Her phone was off. She wasn't planning on coming back, and she knew that.

I gotta think where she's at, but nothing comes to my mind. I could blindly search through every building and there's no telling where'd she be.

I felt my stress levels rise not knowing where she was or if she was hurt. I didn't care about the pills anymore. I cared that she was on them and walking around this town. Plus, we have a performance tonight. How can I perform while my daughter is God knows where?

I quickly felt my body tense up and before I could stop it, my vision was going blurry, and the world was spinning too fast. It all faded to black.

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