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I walked into the cafeteria but to my surprise, it looked more like a diner than anything. It seemed kind of quaint and nice. I didn't feel like I was being force fed prison food.

My feet awkwardly shuffled into a line, unsure of where I was going or what I was doing. After about a 5 minute wait, I finally made it to the front and ordered a sub meal. I didn't even care what was on it. I was starving.

I grabbed my plate and water before walking towards a empty table away from everyone for at least a 6 foot radius.

I sat down and opened my bag of chips to carefully place one in my mouth and keep my attention turned towards my food.

God, I'm gonna hate this place. It's just like being at home. I'm all alone. Why am I so alone? Why do j feel so out of place no matter where I go? People say it's because I'm inverted, but that's not it. I love being around people, but there are certain people I can't stand.

My chip bag opened and I stuck one in my mouth before taking a chunk of my sub. It was nice to have normal, non-hospital food, for once.

A tray sat down beside me and I looked up to see the familiar boy that knocked me down a while ago. He was nice looking. A clean cut, pretty boy, with studs in his ears and the faint mark of an eyebrow and lip piercing.
"Hi, I'm Johnny." He spoke up. His voice was like honey. Extremely soothing. "I didn't get to properly introduce myself earlier. Sometimes Vic can get on my ass."
I was quiet until I was sure how to reply. He kind of stunned me, "I'm Y/N."
Johnny pulled his sandwich up to his face with a smile, "Oh I know who you are. My Mom is a fan of your Mom. Well, she was."
"Oh great. Yeah, don't worry. I'm nothing like my Mom."
He smirked, "Good because I'm nothing like my Mom either."
A boy with dark brown hair that looked like Johnny came up to us. Except he had faint markings on his skin. Like cuts. "Wassup bruh." The other boy said while sitting down. "I see we have some fresh meat in our midst." He extended his arm to me and I met my hand with his. "I'm Josh. Johnny Boy's better looking twin brother."
Johnny looked at me with twinkling eyes, "Don't mind him. His ego is so big that it takes up the mirror. That's why he thinks he looks better than me. Reflections are tricky sometimes."
"Oy, shithead." Josh jokingly spoke, "You're just upset because I'm older."
"By 4 minutes. Jesus. It happened 17 years ago and you still won't let it go." Johnny joked back with him. I heard a slight Australian accent peek out of his voice but it was mostly normal.
"So, what are you in for?" Josh asked which made me break out of my thought process.
"Um, are we allowed to tell each other that stuff?" I asked innocently. Is there like a code for rehab or something?
Josh looked around and smirked at me, "I'm pretty sure Johnny Boy and I are the only ones listening."
"Drugs, and depression. I guess. I kinda didn't know I was getting shipped off here until the last minute." I told the boy in front of me.
Josh nodded, "Yeah. I tried to off myself too, if you couldn't tell by my lovely battle scars." He showed me his tattooed arm with cuts up and down.
Johnny smiled at the confidence of his brother and shook his head. I can tell these two won't be serious at all and I think I'll enjoy that. He looked at me with a small gaze, "We both are trouble, I guess. I'm in it for self harm, too. Also, for drugs and drinking. We're a fucked up family."
"If your family wasn't fucked up, then that'd be the first one in history." I replied making him smile.
"I feel like we'll all get along just fine." Johnny responded to me with his soft hand on top of mine.

"John, Josh! I thought I lost you, asswipes." A girl said coming from behind me. "So, the rumors are true. We got a new kid swarming the halls." She walked over to sit in a seat beside me.
She was pretty. Long blonde hair, green eyes, black painted nails. "What's your name, hun?"
"Y/N." I told her.
A smirk started from the side of her mouth, "Cool. I'm Luna."
"Nice to meet you." I replied not really sure what to say next.
"Oh, you're proper. Well, I got some news for ya. Hanging with our crew is gonna be the least proper thing you'll do." Her voice was raspy and sweet. Kind of like a rocker chick. It was nice to hear.

"Shh." Johnny motioned to her. "Dr. Geller."
"Aw, he's always on my ass." Josh stated.
"With that kind of language, I have to be." A scrawny man in a lab coat with a bald spot said. He popped up out of no where. "Now, Joshua. Go out to the courtyard and pick up trash for using that language in my vicinity."
Josh rolled his eyes and got up to trudge over to the doors that led out to the courtyard.

The man in the coat looked at me, "I heard you are our new patient. Y/N Hernandez-Ogletree, I presume." I nodded in response not feeling like keeping a conversation going. I was getting a bad vibe from him. "Well, it's an honor to have you here to join the program. I am very eager to hear your story and take during this process." I nodded once more and he turned to walk away.

"God, what a fucking prick." Luna muttered grabbing a bag of chips that Josh left.
"He's a pedo. That's what he is. An asshole pedo that needs to get fired from this place, and soon." Johnny said playing with his sandwich angrily.
"Why do you say that?" I asked trying to understand why my vibe was so bad.
"No matter what girl or guy comes in here, he makes a pass at them. He doesn't care what age you are." Johnny told me while glaring at his tray. His gaze met mine, "But don't worry. If he messes wit you, just tell me and I'll fuck him up. It's the least I can do for my Mom's favorite singer's daughter." He seemed sincere. I liked it. He was just a simple guy trying to make friends.
"Anyways, I'm not going to my elective today, Johnny." Luna told the boy in front of me.
"Carter has been talking to me again so he's planning on spending his free hours with me." Luna explained eating more of Josh's chips.
"Y'all are just gonna fuck. Huh?" Johnny smirked causing Luna to blush to a red tint. "I dunno why you do that. Don't you want a relationship at some point?" Johnny asked her.
"Relationship? Oh, please. In here, you're lucky to get to suck face with someone before Dr. Frank or Dr. Barclay come after you. No thanks. I want a no strings attached, good ol' fucking. Plus, with that birth control this place has me on, I'm sure I don't have any worries." Luna laughed. She turned herself towards me, "Have they put you on it yet?" I shook my head and she smiled, "You'll love it. Besides the no worries part, you don't have your period for months. It's great."
"Good to know." I laughed awkwardly.
Luna looked over at the clock on the wall and clicked her tongue, "Time for our free hours." I looked over to see the clock said 6:45. "I'm gonna see Carter." Luna told us in a sing-song voice before skipping away to the door.

Johnny grabbed my tray and got up to extend his hand.
"What are you doing? I wasn't finished." I told him trying to reach for the tray.
He got up and grabbed my hand, "I'm gonna give you the proper tour of this shit hole. Mostly because I can't go to the gym and this is better than sitting in my room jerking off." I pulled my hand away from his quickly which made him laugh. "I'm just joking. I don't have the need for that. I'm not that sexually frustrated. Josh on the other hand should wash his more." He extended his hand once more, "Don't be scared. I'm not weird or anything. Well, I am. But some people find it charming."
"Okay." I sighed. "But if I turn up dead, I'm sure there are cameras."
"Stop overthinking this. We're just going on a stroll. Live a little."

Maybe that's what I'll do. Live a little.



sorry it's been ages since this has updated. I'm in the works of trying to finish my last year in high school. hopefully I will update more because this story has so much potential. there will be a lil ally in the next chapter :) - agf

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