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It's been two weeks and my Mom, Dad, and Jase will be here too soon. They're supposed to arrive on Friday and I'm definetely not ready.

I was woken up by the facility's intercom, "All patients, this is your wake up call. Get dressed and be in the cafeteria within thirty minutes. Thank you."

I slowly sat up to slip myself out of the bed completely. I rubbed my eyes while walking to the bathroom to pee. Afterwards, I began brushing my teeth. In the middle of brushing my bottom row of teeth, I started to feel really sick.

Before I knew it, I was leaned over the toilet puking my guts up.

It was a horrible feeling. I washed up after thinking that I was completely done vomiting even though my stomach was a mess. Maybe it was those enchiladas from yesterday.

I got into some skinny jeans and a regular t-shirt, then slipped on my patient badge to leave my room and head down to eat with the other prisoners.


I just poked at my eggs with my spork and moved it around my plate.

"Babe, why aren't you eating?" Johnny asked, breaking me out of my trance.

I shrugged, "I'm not really hungry. I actually feel a little sick."

"Fuck, I'll eat it." Josh exclaimed, grabbing my plate to scrape all of it onto his.

John chuckled at his brother and turned to softly rub his thumb over my arm, "You want me to take you to the infirmary?"

I shook my head, "Nah, I don't want them to think I have a eating disorder, too. I'm sure it'll pass eventually."

The morning bell rang to release us to our electives, but sadly, my electives were pushed back because I had a session with Dr. Charles.

I hurried out into the courtyard to make my way to the second building so I could sit in my favorite chair and wait for this annoying therapy session to be over.

Although, it hasn't been all that bad. I've actually made a lot of progress. Especially with the thought of my Mom. I don't feel as mad at her as I used to. I mean, I still have a bit of anger towards her because of what she said years ago but I'm learning to forgive. Dr. Charles says forgiveness is a big part of recovery.

I didn't want to change who I was but I know it's for the best.

Dr. Charles peeked out of his room and smiled, "C'mon Y/N."

I stood up and felt my stomach start to act up once again but I tried to push it into the back of mind so I could get all of this over with.

I sat on the couch in front of his chair as he shut the door behind him and grabbed his pen and pad from his desk.

"So, how are you?" He smiled.

I shrugged, "It feels like a Monday. So, you tell me."

"That's the best answer I've ever heard in my life." He laughed, and scribbled down a few things. "Now, let's just dive in. Shall we?" I nodded. Honestly, I didn't really give a fuck. I just started feeling sicker and sicker. Please God, do not let me throw up on this leather couch. "How do you feel about leaving? Do you think you've been rehabilitated and personally able to leave on your own."

I nodded sadly, "Yeah, I think so. I mean, of course I'm gonna have temptations but I've learned a lot here, and I think I'll be willing to change a few of my mistakes."

"I like the sound of that." He smiled, peering down at his notepad for the next question.

"Have you thought about what electives interest you here so that you can take some of those classes when you get back to high school?"

I laughed loudly, "You're joking right? Ugh, I definetely have not been thinking about school while I've been here."

"I just thought I'd ask." Charles wrote down a few things before looking back up at me, "Now, tell me what's been on your mind lately. Anything exciting?"

"Actually, I-" I was going to share something about how Jase sent me a little letter but I started feeling sicker than before. I ran to the desk trash can and began puking violently.

Dr. Charles rubbed my back, "Are you okay?"

I finally finished puking up chunks in his trash, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

He got up and helped me up to put my arm around his shoulder, "C'mon, I'll help you to the infirmary."

I decided to not fight it. Maybe I had food poisoning or a stomach bug.


"Well, you seem fine right now." The nurse pulled a tongue depressor off of my tongue, "The only thing you can do right now is pee in a cup because maybe it's something internal. If it's not anything in the urine we will draw blood. Sound good?"

"Oh peachy." I rolled my eyes.

Nurse Madison held out a cup and I yanked it out of her hand in annoyance to head to the infirmary bathroom to do the deed.

When I got back, the nurse retrieved the warm cup of liquid to stick into a machine with a needle at the top. I had to take a drug test when I got here, and it's basically a similar machine.

It made a slight sound and the nurse began typing on the keyboard and clicking the mouse while waiting to get complete results.

I nervously tapped my foot thinking of the worst. What if I have cancer? Or what if I have some pee disease? Why is this taking so long?

"Oh lord." Nurse Madison gasped before printing out the same documents that were on the screen. After retrieving all of them, she looked back with a fake smile, "I'll be right back. I need to go talk to Dr. Charles."

"Uh okay." I said nervously.

Oh God. I have some deadly disease and I'm going to die instantly. Fuck me.

About five minutes later, Dr. Charles walked in with Nurse Madison trailing behind him with a sad face. Charles pulled up a chair and sat in it backwards as he held the documents in his hands. "Um, Y/N. We have bad news. Or good news. Depending on how you'll take this."

"Um.. go ahead." I said hesitantly.

"The test results came back and you're postive."

"I HAVE AIDS?!" I screamed out angrily.

He laughed, "No, honey. You're pregnant."

I still couldn't catch my breath. I was shock. My eyes were glued to the floor.

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