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We've been home for almost two days.

Johnny and I are allowed to share a room but only with the door cracked. Which I still think is childish. What the hell are we going to do? I can't get pregnant twice.

Besides that, Aunt Mila, Lo, Dinah, and Mani are coming over to hear the big news.

Well, they think it's a welcome home kickback type event but they've got another thing coming.

"Mija." I heard a soft voice whisper as my body was nudged back and forth. A sharp slap landed on my ass causing me to jolt up, "Get up! Family is going to be here in fifteen minutes."

I opened my eyes slightly and reached out to the empty bed, "Where's Johnny?"

"He's helping Dad outside."

"Oh no." I exclaimed while I sat up fast, "He's gonna kill him."

Mom put her hand on my shoulder to cool me down, "No he's not. At least, not before Dinah can." She got up to head to the door, "Now get ready. Okay?"

Thirty minutes later, I finally walked down stairs and made my super late entrance to see the family sitting in the living room with drinks while music played loudly.

"The princess has arrived." Aunt Mila exclaimed.

I started my hug train with Dad, Johnny, then progressed with Auntie Dinah, Lauren, Camila, Normani, and a kiss on the cheek for Alls.

"So, your Mom tells us you have big news." Dinah pointed out as I took my seat between Johnny and Lauren. "You gonna tell us it already."

I crossed my legs and looked over the women that were ready to hang onto my every word.

I breathed out, "Um, I guess I should just say it." I was absolutely nervous. "I'm pregnant."

Everyone was quiet. Lauren's eyes slowly got bigger until her brows furrowed and her pupils peered down Johnny.

"I'm gonna kill you." Lauren whispered harshly at Johnny.

I yanked on his arm, "Run. Run out the front door." I directed him.

He shot up and sprinted out of the room with Lauren balling her hands into fists and hm giving Johnny a head start before sprinting after him.

"Fuck." Camila groaned, getting up to chase Lauren out the door along with the rest of us.

Lauren chased Johnny down with perfect form about a hundred feet away from the house until she tackled him to the ground, making them slide on impact with the gravel.

Johnny squirmed underneath Aunt Lo's embrace, "Let me go, you crazy lady."

Lauren flipped him over and held him down with her knee on his chest, "You can't just get my God daughter pregnant and not expect me to beat your ass." She held her fist up to Felt ready and strike it down on his face. "You son of a bitch. You took her childhood away from her."

I ran after Aunt Lo and pulled her off of Johnny then helped him up.

"Aunt Lo, please." I begged, getting in between them as Camila pulled back on her wife. "It wasn't just him. It was me, too."

"I know." Lo growled, "And if you weren't carrying a baby, you'd get a beating, too."

Camila let go of her wife in a huff, "Babe. Quit it. Shit happens. Why not make the best of it?"

"Fine." Lauren rolled her eyes at Johnny and I, "But I'm not happy with it."

"You don't have to be." I responded, looking deep into her green eyes.

Mother ➳ Ally BrookeWhere stories live. Discover now