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There was a loud knock on my door which almost made me fall out of my bed. "What?!" I groaned in a raspy voice.

Vic poked her head in with a slight smile, "Just thought I should tell you that Dr. Charles wants you to come to your session after you get dressed and all of your stuff is packed."

"Ugh." I flopped over to lay on my stomach and shove my face in the pillow, hoping to suffocate myself.

"I'll take that as an 'okay'." Vic giggled before closing the door behind her.

Thirty minutes later of contemplating if I should throw myself out of the locked window to avoid this mess, I decided to finally get up and get dressed. After the reoccuring moment of morning sickness, I gathered all of my things and made my way downstairs to go to Dr. Charles office.

As soon as his secretary saw me she spoke up, "Go ahead and go in. And good luck out there."

I smiled back friendly, "Thank you."

When I walked in, Johnny was seated in a seat beside Dr. Charles. Mom, Dad, and Jase were all sitting on the couch that I'm usually at.

"Woah, this looks like another intervention." I chuckled nervously.

Dr. Charles smiled respectively, "I was just telling your parents how you've improved on your humor
with the help of your lovely boyfriend Johnny."

I nodded and walked over to my parents who stood up to give me a hug. First Jase gave me an awkward a side hug, then Dad wrapped his arms around me tightly. Mom was last and I happily brought her into an embrace and kissed her cheek.

I took my seat beside Johnny and he gave me a kiss on the cheek before Dr. Charles began speaking again, "We, um, we found out some new information when we did tests on Y/N a few days ago."

"Tests?" Mom said nervously, "Tests for what?"

Dr. Charles looked at me and I nodded, "I think I'll let Y/N take over from here but please be very open minded. This only a positive space."

They all nodded and listened closely as their attention turned to me.

I fiddled with my fingers and looked down at my lap, "The other day I got really sick."

"Sick?!" Mom exclaimed once more.

"Mom, please." I begged. She quieted down and allowed me to speak, "And I blew it off until I came to Dr. Charles and got sick again. So, he took me to the infirmary to do some tests."

I paused for a moment and chewed on my bottom lip softly, looking over my Mom and Dad's worried faces. Jase was just eyeing Johnny down like the protective brother he is.

"They came to the conclusion that, I, um, I'm pregnant." I was surprised I got the words out of my mouth.

Mom was quiet but her eyes were big.

"Wait what did you say?" Dad asked with a stern voice as Jase sat back with a glare towards Johnny and I.

"I said I'm pregnant, and Johnny is the father." i repeated once more. The silence was unbearable even though it only lasted a few seconds. I had to speak up. "Someone say something please."

Dad turned to Dr. Charles angrily, "How could you let this happen? She's just a child and we put her in here to get off medications. Not to have sex with some strange boy."

"Daddy, please. Stop. It's not his fault." I begged him to stop getting so angry before looking back over at Mom who was still just as speechless.

"I knew he was bad." Jase scoffed, "No one even listened to me."

"Jason, you're not helping any of this." I spat at him.

People began bickering back and forth. Dr. Charles and Dad were arguing along with Jason and Johnny.

Mom just got up and started walking out the door. It was like my whole world stopped. Her head was hung down as she did her best to keep herself at ease.

I got up and ran after her out into the hall, "Mom." I pulled on her shoulder to spin her around with tears filling my eyes. "Mom, I swear. I've been trying so so so hard for you. I've been getting better and learning to have a good attitude. It was only one time with Johnny and I really do love him. More than I ever did with Caleb. Please."

Her eyes were welled up with tears and I could see that she wasn't as happy as before when she first saw me. Her hand rubbed my arm before she grabbed my hand and held it, "Oh I know, sweetie. Dr. Charles has been informing me on the side about your progress and how much you've been wanting to see me. I just- I'm disappointed."

"Then we will get rid of it." I blurted out. "Just please don't be disappointed in me anymore. This is what I wanted to avoid."

"We will do no such thing." She scolded me. "This baby, well, maybe it'll be good for you. For all of us. I don't know how yet, but a gut feeling is telling me that." Her eyes trailed down to my stomach and then back up to me. I reached out to wipe a tear from her cheek as she continued, "I know I can't help but be dissapointed but we all make mistakes."

"How do you think Aunt Lo and Mila are gonna react?" I asked honestly, trying to lighten the mood.

"Camila will be happy. However, you better not have Jonathan around when you tell Lauren." Mom laughed.

"Wait why not?" I honestly didn't get it.

"'Cause she'll either curse him out, beat him up, or kill him for getting you pregnant." Her hand squeezed mine, "We'll get through this together, though. As a family."

"Mom...." I said softly.


"Do me a favor."

"Anything." Mom said happily but her face was still sad.

"Teach me to be a good Mother like you."

Her smile finally appeared as she nodded, "I'll do my best." She looked back at the door as the yells in the room started getting louder. She pulled me back in to see everyone's anger levels had risen. "Hey! Hey, y'all need to quit it!" She yelled as loud as she could.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled out which made everyone stop what they were doing.

Mom smacked my arm, "Stop cussing."

"Sorry." I replied with a smirk.

Mom put her hands on her hips and rested them there to glare at Johnny, "Now, what are you going to be doing?"

"I want him to-" I started to talk but Mom shushed me.

"I'm talking to that boy over there, Y/N. Now, son. I understand that you're only a kid yourself but you're going to help with this kid. Got it?" Mom said with a strong voice. She looked like a chihuahua who was about to bite the fuck out of someone's ankles.

Johnny looked a little fear full and slouched down in his seat to nod at my Mother's orders.

Mom smiled fakely and turned to Dr. Charles, "So, when can we check the two of them out?"

Mother ➳ Ally BrookeWhere stories live. Discover now