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I laid on my bed to open up the letter from my Mom, saving my letter from Aunt Lo for last.


I know you've been ignoring the calls from your father and I. I understand. You're still upset about all of this. Why wouldn't you be? We just scheduled this without your knowledge. But it's what is best for you.

Baby, I want you to be healthy and happy. I want you to be like you used to.

I'm sorry if what I said years ago caused you to believe that I don't love you. I do. I love you more than anything. Jason and you are the reason for this smile on my face everyday.

I want to protect you and keep you alive long after I'm gone and I feel like this is the only hope I'll have for you.

The girls and I will be in New York City on the week of the 15th and I want to come by and see you. I will show up but it's your choice to allow me to visit or not.

I really hope you'll allow me to see you. I miss you, mija and I want you to be able to be healthy enough to come home with me when this tour ends.

We're planning on hanging up our heels after this tour is over.

The girls and I agreed that we have made enough money and music. Now we want to retire and spend time with our families. But that requires you to be home.

So please. Try and do your best to get better so we can finally be a normal family. I know this is what you want.

Love and hugs,

Mama Sunshine.

Retiring? She's actually gonna give her career up to be apart of a normal family. I want to believe it but it's so hard.

She's said this before then this tour came into the girl's lives and she just had to do it. Even though Dad told her that she didn't need to.

I threw that paper to the side and picked up my last letter from Aunt Lo.

Knock. Knock.

I put the letter under my pillow and got up to answer the door.

"I think you forgot to go to your last elective so I'm here to escort you." Vic said with a bright and sunny smile.

"Oh yeah." I replied brushing my fingers through my hair.

Guess I can read that story later.


I stepped out of the bathroom after taking my shower and making my hair look a little better than usual, then stepped into a cute cropped boxy shirt with a pair of skinny jeans and chucks.

9:59 PM

I laid back on my bed and waited a few minutes, not expecting him to be early anyways.

My door opened slightly, making my head shoot up.

Johnny whispered, "Really?! You're taking a nap."

I smiled and got up to stretch, "Nah, I was waiting for you."

He grabbed my hand and escorted out of the building I saw we were heading towards the pond and I groaned, "What did I tell you? We've already been here."

Johnny pulled me close, "Trust me. This is one reason why I love this pond so much." We stopped close by the bridge and over a manhole covering. He lifted it up, making the veins pop out of his arms, and I almost drooled. "After you."

"I'm not going into the sewer, Michelangelo."

He laughed, "Trust me. It's not a sewer."

I just decided to go for it. I began walking down the metal ladder built into the walls until my feet were planted on the ground. I couldn't see anything in the extreme darkness. Johnny jumped down and turned on a flashlight.

It was a whole other world down here. A secret tunnel built beneath the rehabilitation center. Johnny wrapped his arm around my waist to secure his spot next to me. "This place was actually a old hospital and down here they treated the mentally sick. This whole rehab center was renovated to what it is now about 5 years ago. But this underground tunnel actually leads to freedom and as long as we get back before bed check at 4am, we can do whatever we want in New York City. But I plan on spending this first day with you."

"And what do you plan on doing?" I smiled feeling so significant to him.

He's smirked and pulled away to grab my hand. I kinda missed his closeness but I didn't want to mention it.

"We're going on a date. Which contains getting ice cream and walking around Central Park."

"Who said I wanna go on a date with you?" I sarcastically spewed at the handsome man.

"Why wouldn't you wanna go on a date with me?"

He was right.


"Vanilla, please."

"Make that two." Johnny said with a smile as the man scooped our ice cream on a waffle cone. Johnny paid for our scoops and walked close by me but giving me enough space.

"Your ice cream is dripping off the side." Johnny warned me.

I turned the cone to lick up the side and my eyes met with his to see him biting his lip. He looked so turned on but I just laughed it off because that was the first time I've seen him have a lustful emotion for me. I mean, he's got close to kiss me but at the moment he looked like he wanted to devour me before the he recovered himself.

We entered the park and began walking down the lighted concrete sidewalk. I bit off my waffle cone, getting closer to the bottom of it. Johnny slurped his ice cream causing me to laugh, "You're so gross."

"I like to slurp the things I eat." He hinted with a sensual tone.

"Wow, you're so original."

"Thanks, kitten." He said with the utmost confidence, "So, can I ask you something without it sounding possessive?"


"Are you really dating that girl who wrote you that letter?

I shook my head, "No, she was a girl that kinda contributed to the reason why I'm in here. I mean, I'm not upset at her. She was just trying to let me have fun and my Mom just found out about it."

"Oh, good."


"Yup." He responded happily eyeing me down respectively which made me blush.

"What about you? Do you have any girls on the outside?" I nudged him with my elbow.

He shook his head and ruffled his hair after chucking the cone into the grass of the park, "Nah. Not on the outside."

"The inside?"

He smiled, "Well, there is this one girl but she's not my girl. At least, not yet."

"What makes you think she would even consider being your girl?" I responded jokingly knowing that he was talking about me.

He stopped and grabbed my hand to turn me to face him. His brown eyes caught me in a trance. I don't remember Caleb ever looking at me like that.

We were only inches apart hing hands and he awkwardly smiled, "I actually don't know how to say this because I've never really wanted a girlfriend, but I like you Y/N. I like you a lot more
than I thought. Would you please be my girlfriend in this shit hole prison?"

I nodded, "Yeah, Johnny boy. I'll be your girlfriend."

It was stupid and cute. Why wouldn't I be his girlfriend? I'm not expect a big bouquet of roses or a parade. I actually like him for more than his looks. I think I'm actually catching feelings for him.

He had a cheesy smile on his face, pulling me close to him. His body leaving no personal room for me and I loved it. He nudged my chin up with those coarse hands and our lips connected.

I felt a thousand butterflies swarm in my stomach. No wait, fireworks. Shit. It's more than that. All the cliche feelings you can have, well i had them.

He pulled away and smirked at me, "We better be heading back."

"Whatever you want, Johnny."

Mother ➳ Ally BrookeWhere stories live. Discover now