part thirty

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the one with an assembly.

part thirty

"So, what exactly goes down at these things?"

"Depends," Mark whispers back to the girl sat by his side. "Anything, really. Usually they're just explaining like, how semesters and classes work and stuff, or giving instruction about flairs and whatever. But maybe they finally want to talk about everything that's been going on."

Juno nods in understanding. "Ah." The auditorium is filling up. When she'd been told that an assembly would be held during the first week of December, Juno hadn't really thought much of it. But perhaps it was a bigger deal than she'd thought, as they were expected to arrive right on time dressed in impeccable uniform even though today is a Sunday. And Juno can't help wondering: if Mark is right and the school does want to speak to them about the recent murders, why have they waited this long? It's been almost four months since Jihyi was killed.

Someone slides into the chair on her other side, pulling Juno from her thoughts. She turns to see Jeno, smile bright as he nudges her playfully. She returns it with gusto. Juno is pleased to report that her heart no longer does that "!" thing when she sees him like it used to, which means that her once hopeless crush on him is dissolving. And it's just as well, because she's been given no indication so far that he might feel the same way, and she doesn't feel like signing up for that kind of heartbreak. Avoiding being any closer with him than she has to seems to be working.

But he's also been making that quite difficult.

"Hey," Jeno says into her ear, and the feeling of his breath against her skin makes her heart stutter.

Ah, shit. But that's okay; slow progress is still progress.

His eyes catch on her mouth, and all rational sense flies out of her brain as certain less-than-appropriate thoughts cloud her mind due to his gaze. "New ring today."

"I was curious about how gold would look," she says instead.

"Well, I think it looks good."


Mark watches their exchange carefully, but immediately looks away when Juno glances in his direction. The dull murmur of the crowd dies down as Ms. Yang takes the podium, holding up a hand to call for attention.

"Good morning, students. I hope you are all feeling well-rested and eager to begin the day," she begins.

Juno scoffs at that, thinking about the three hours of sleep she got last night.

The assembly starts as nothing she hasn't seen before. The various teachers yammer on about academics and work ethic and why you should choose to take their class in the upcoming second semester, mention some stuff about flair management and physicals and the like, etc. Juno's eyelids are already growing heavier, and she's been nodding off periodically. Jeno sneaks a glance at her, pursing his lips to hide his smile as he watches her and try and fail to stay awake. He shifts closer then, nudging her and patting his shoulder expectantly.

She's confused. "What?" she mouths.

"Just sleep," he replies lowly. "My shoulder is better than snapping your neck." Juno looks like she's about to refuse, but then she decides against overthinking and scooches closer to put her head on his shoulder, shutting her eyes. She can feel the jealous glares from the group of girls seated behind them - "What is she? A toddler?" - she hears one mutter, but she's too sleepy to care.

Mark watches Jeno watch Juno before turning back to the front.

Juno drifts in and out of consciousness at the assembly continues. Luckily, they are sitting in a row right in the middle, so the teachers sitting at the perimeter of the room don't notice that her eyes are closed.

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