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During class, you were focused on writing down notes that would help you for the quizzes and tests. Jiwoo beside you was writing down too. Well basically copying your notes since the professor would speak fast that she wouldn't be able to completely write a sentence. Jimin was in the back with Yoongi but didn't say a word to him both of them focusing on their own thing.

"Well, that's for today's class see you tomorrow try not to be late." The professor steps out and everyone starts stretching sitting in a class for more than an hour is tiresome. "Well do you have plans Y/n?" You were packing your things "Yes I do I have to go to the library sorry" she assures you it's fine. "Will Jimin go with you?" You both start heading out "I don't know" she smirks and sees Jimin and Yoongi coming towards you both.

"If he does come there's an aisle where no one usually comes in the far back where you both can have some alone time" you smack her. "Ow," she hugs you "You're staying Y/n?" Yoongi asks you nod and point to the library you all say your goodbyes and Jimin went with you not wanting to spend time alone at his place just wanted to be with you. You both arrive and take a seat you leave your belongings while you went to look for a book you needed.

He saw your phone on the table and grabbed it. He was hesitant in turning it on so he just left it there waiting for you to come back. He sees you coming and smiles he quickly stands up to help you with all the books you had in your hand. "Thank you okay now I can start" you set the books in the order you're going to use them. You look at him and he seemed bored you give him your phone "Play some games I still don't know why you don't have games." You unlock your phone for him.

He always let you use his phone without needing to ask compared to him he never really needed to go through it because he didn't find that necessary until today he was interested in what you have in it. He starts going through your social media not caring if you had guy friends he goes through your gallery. He mostly sees pictures of Seojun a few of yourself with your friends.

He then starts playing this game while you studied. You look over to him to see him intensely playing you time passes you check the time and see it's past 4 you see Jimin sleeping beside you. You start packing everything placing the books where they belonged. Once coming back you see the popular girl taking a seat beside him she tried to play with his hair until he sensed it wasn't you.

He quickly sat up and stopped her from touching him. "Don't ever touch me" there weren't a lot of people so he didn't mind being loud in the library. He lets her go and gets your things she saw him leave and got quite upset seeing you. He sees you and walks to you. "Are you ready to go? He leans in to give you a kiss and grabs your hand heading out. All he wanted to do was get rid of her once and for all but wasn't going to be doing that.

You both get in the car and he decides to change up the subject to uplift the mood. He saw you weren't upset but he was so to control himself he brought up something. "Hey, we didn't go to that area?" You look at him, grab his chin, turn his face so he faces the road, and not you "What area? Look at the road you're driving" he smiles "The place Jiwoo mentioned in the library where no one can see anything" you look out the window.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" He laughs "Okay since you don't know I'll show it to you some other time" he places his hand on your inner thigh. You both arrive at your place once you unlock your door Ms. Lee's door opens revealing Seojun he hugs you and quickly takes your hand taking you to the couch for you to sit beside him. Jimin was still standing outside debating if what he just witnessed happened and trying not to get jealous of Seojun.

He understood he was a child but he just wanted to be the one you paid attention to. Always in your place, Seojun would be there present not leaving you alone and once he was here Jimin would be sometimes left out since you mostly were with Seojun then with Jimin. "Hey, Seojun we have ice cream in the fridge go get one." Jimin tells him and Seojun quickly goes Jimin takes the chance to sit next to you "Why is he here you're not even his mother and I was thinking we would be alone to you know" you smile "Please you're acting like I don't give you my attention and we do it almost every day since you be in the mood."

He gasps dramatically making you laugh "Hey it's not just me it be you too" he says Seojun comes back making him quiet. You and Jimin were in other words always sexually active apart from being always together, going on dates, and hanging out with friends. All that intimacy is the reason why he is always there with you almost just like Seojun stuck to you like glue.

"Y/n can we go to your high-school that you used to go to I want to see it my mom said she would take me but she mostly works right now she's busy cooking dinner and dad is working. She said maybe to ask you that's why I came over." You nod "Okay let's do it but go get your jacket okay I'll wait for you here. You don't mind if Jimin tags along right."

He nods smiling "No I like him" Jimin starts smiling "Seojun whose your favorite me or Y/n?" He starts thinking "I would say you Jimin" Jimin starts feeling proud of himself and Seojun leaves. "You know what he can be here anytime he wants." You start moving closer to him he gulps making you smile "So no more alone time."

Seojun comes back saying he's ready you leave Jimin there on the couch "Let's go" you grab Seojun's hand "No Y/n don't be like that. Wait for me." Jimin whines and starts going after you both. You and Seojun run together "No don't run" he catches up to you both and you all start laughing.

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