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You decided not to ask Jimin what he meant after all when you asked him what happened he said he doesn't remember anything only before he passed out. He went to be with his friends at the club but one of them was friends with Yoongi so they met and started being closer. Which led them to be knocked out beside each other.

You came out of class while Jimin stayed to discuss something with the professor. He told you to leave first so you wouldn't wait since it was a hot day. "Y/n" you look back seeing a classmate come up to you out of breath "Hey what's up" he checks around "Someone came looking for you" you were confused you weren't expecting anyone.

"Who exactly" he hands you a note "It's from him his name is Jeon Jungkook" you haven't heard that name in a long time. "I have to go bye," he says you wave and then read the note. It was quite short saying that he has something to say to you. It had his address so you decide to go look for him. You take the bus and get there you see it's a big house, not even a house a literal mansion. You ring the doorbell someone opens the door for you and tells you to come in as if they were waiting for you to come.

"Y/n I missed you" he came running to you and hugged you. You push him away a little it was unexpected and you were quite upset he left you without a warning. "Sit down feel free to look around. How are you?" He offers you a cold drink "I'm fine and you what happened to you. Why did you leave?" He holds your hand "I didn't mean to leave you like that but I did something that led to people chasing me. They were looking for me so I had to disappear I'm sorry."

You nod understanding him you both catch up a little on how you guys are doing what school he went to. "So what is it you wanted to tell me?" You ask him remembering why you came he was worried on how you would react but straight up told you. "I left because I had killed San and his family was looking for me." You look at him "So it was you" he nods "What about Bora was it you?" he quickly shakes his head "No that wasn't me I looked into that but I didn't find anything. Do you hate me?" You hold his hand "No I don't but why did you do it?"

"I just didn't like the way he treated you. Then the way he would talk about you bothered me so much and then he cheated so that kind of made me do it. I'm really sorry for leaving though it must've been hard. Were you alone?" You smile "It was difficult at first but then I became closer to Jimin." He was afraid upon hearing that name "Jimin are you and him friends?" You were hesitant "No we are not friends we're in a relationship he's my boyfriend."

"Do you know what kind of person he is?" He says almost screaming "Yes I do" he gulps "Well okay that's your business I shouldn't have screamed" your phone rings you look at your phone and see it's Jimin. "It's him isn't it you should go how about some other time we go and grab something to eat." He walks you to the door "Yeah okay bye" he watches you leave. "Y/n please be careful."

You arrive back to your place Jimin arrives at your place. "I missed you. Why didn't you answer?" he hugs you "Oh I was busy and you did the professor fixed your grade" he lets go of you "Yeah it was just a mix-up and he immediately fixed it." You both head out and go on a date. The next day you head to class with him as usual spend the day paying attention to the lesson.

Jiwoo and Yoongi have gotten closer after school Jiwoo asks if she can borrow Jimin for him to go with her to talk to the professor since Jimin was his favorite student. You agree and leave first on your way out you see Jungkook waiting by his car he sees you and waves you walk towards him "Do you mind if we go eat today" you nod and he opens the door for you.

You both head to eat at a restaurant it was fancy like the ones Jimin usually takes you. Jiwoo and Jimin come out together "You should really start studying I can't keep helping you," he says she smiles "Okay this will be the last time I promise" he nods and says bye watching her as she leaves first. He asks someone if whether they saw you leave "Excuse me did you see Y/n leave" everyone knew who you were so he just asked the closest person to him.

"Oh yeah, she left with this guy he was tall and seemed to be her friend she was smiling. She got in his car and they both left" Jimin was left there confused about who it was. Since you didn't even tell him anything he was then blinded by jealousy he starts going insane thinking that you might be with Yoongi so without thinking twice he gets in his car and starts driving to where Yoongi is at.

Since he didn't know where he lived he called his friend and asked for Yoongi's address which he gives it to him Jimin smiles and starts driving there. Jungkook dropped you off at your place "Bye Y/n take care of yourself you already know where to find me in case something goes wrong okay" you thank him for everything "Bye take care of yourself as well" once entering your place that's when your phone rings.

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