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You wake up with Jimin beside you sleeping peacefully it's been a week since what happened. You and Jimin continued to go to class it was awkward you stayed away from Jiwoo and Yoongi to maintain them safe. You paid for the damages that happened and they were still trying to be close to you but you told them that it might not be the right choice.

He opens his eyes "Good morning" he sits up "I'll make breakfast okay you shower first" he says and stands up you grab your robe and put it on. He enters the restroom to brush his teeth while you were showering he then heads to the kitchen and starts making a big delicious breakfast for you. You come out dressed you see it's raining you go to the kitchen and see the breakfast set on the table Jimin smiles.

"You're here it's ready come have a seat" he pulls the chair for you to take a seat. "Thank you" he leaves you "Hey where are you going?" He smiles "I'm going to shower I'll be quick okay" he comes running to you and kisses your forehead before he goes to the bathroom. You waited for him until he comes out you two eat together.

"So have you found anything?" You asked him and he shakes his head saying no "Can you try to remember who it was?" You close your eyes to see if you can but after replaying what happened it just ends with you seeing black the person was just a blur. You hear a knock on your door you go open it revealing Seojun he hugs you. "Y/n I missed you" you carry him and Ms. Lee was by the door barely coming "I'm sorry Y/n."

"It's okay he can stay over don't worry that'll leave you some alone time with Mr. Lee" you wink and she smiles. You go back in with Seojun he sees Jimin and runs to him hugging him. "Jimin I missed you too." Jimin picks him up "I did too how are you, buddy?" Seojun made the room brighter making you two smile.

He points out the window "Can we go outside and jump in the puddles?" You agree but tell him to go get his raincoat and boots. After he comes back all dressed you all three head downstairs Seojun sees a puddle and starts jumping on it splashing water everywhere. Jimin stood on the side with an umbrella while he observed you two seeing you guys happy filled with excitement Seojun grabs his hand and brings him out to jump as well.

It was all going well until Jimin's phone rings he leaves you two and heads inside the building to answer it. "Jimin it's Dojin have you gotten anything." He sighs "No not yet I have a few things and Jungkook as well I'll send my half right now" Jimin sends it through message "There I'll tell Jungkook to send the rest" Dojin hums and they hang up. It was all about to start the person would be found soon.

He comes back out you look at him all three of you hold hands and were laughing when Seojun splashed water on Jimin. Eventually, time passed Seojun was tired you changed him and he fell asleep on your bed. You and Jimin were tired as well taking care of a kid was extremely tiresome. You thought to yourself how was Ms. Lee so good with this and if you yourself was I like that too when you were younger.

Jimin had left somewhere you stayed with Seojun until Ms. Lee came to pick him up and took him back to her place. You lay on the couch exhausted you scrolled on your phone to distract yourself you end up napping going deep in your memories. "What are you doing here?" You smirk "Jia we need to talk come with me." She followed you it was quite surprising she didn't ask any more questions and dumb of her to trust in someone she barely knows.

You both were somewhere where it was dark and no people were passing. "I guess this is your end Jia goodbye" you immediately started attacking her "Help please help" she screamed and that made you feel good in some way "No one will come Jia now let's end it quickly" once you were done you felt relieved you started laughing. "Now where do I put the body," you say then start looking around you look at her lifeless body.

"I'll help with that but good night" someone comes from behind and hits you making you fall to the ground you groan. You open your eyes but you could barely see at all the figure was wearing all black they turn to face you. After the person left to do something to the body they came back to you. You were in pain they check your pulse they picked you up that's when you were able to see who it is but you fall asleep unable to bear the pain.

You woke up on your bed the next day with a headache and the memories were gone. You immediately wake up from your nap afraid you know who it is. Jimin was barely coming in he got scared seeing you get up so quick. "Hey, are you okay?" He asks you your whole body was shaking "Jimin I know who the other person is" his phone rang and told you to wait a minute.

"Jimin I got I just sent the address check it out the person lives there." Dojin says and then hangs up Jimin checks his messages he presses it and checks the address he tilts his head "Wait isn't that..." he shows you the address you both look at each other. "It was Ms. Lee," you both say at the same time. Someone knocks on the door you go to open it with Jimin behind you once opening it. There she was Ms. Lee standing you both stared at her she saw how your gazes were filled with fright.

"I guess you know," she says walking in.

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