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Today makes it 2 days since the lockdown was lifted. Day 2 of the liberation. Well, yesterday my parents' business was quite satisfactory for a restart. They continued today hoping for even better results. I woke up at 5 am today with no reasonable explanation as to why. Until this moment, I have only had breakfast. I expect there will be dinner, but even if there isn't, I can last until tomorrow because breakfast was very heavy. 

My studying for today was one of the best in the last 10 days. Unfortunately, I didn't add anything to the other book today. Maybe I will, maybe I won't, the day is not yet over. Until now again, I haven't had internet access so I'm blind to the state of affairs of the world and online courses. 

With things getting back to normal, I expect some little changes at home. Since we already went back to our normal routine since 13th April, the major change will just be trying to get more effective with it. I mean, we have always been low-spirited when studying since the 13th mostly due to hunger, but with that showing signs of ending, there is no excuse now is there? 

Althoug I must admit, I fear I might not be able to think as well as I could since I began this book I'm writing. After all, the thought of even writing any book came to me because I was tired and hunger-beaten. I'm sure that I would never have thought about anything were I to be full. I think this might explain why poor people succeed more easily than the rich and though I have suspected that for years now, this short period of devastation has given me confirmation. After this is all over, should I ever run into a problem or difficulty, I'm going try starving myself until I get the solution and should I ever be a rich person in future, I'm only going to eat when I feel very hungry and not just anytime I feel like eating. 

Its 9:30 pm, almost time for bed. There was dinner today though, something I didn't expect as well. Now I'm beginning to have that feeling of being sad things are getting better even though I don't want things to get worse. I've always been like this; wishing something good to happen and at the same time getting sad that it is happening as well. I don't know what type of feeling that is but I don't want to complain to anyone about it. Not yet at least.

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