1 - Life

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Jennie's PoV

"Miss kim? Are you awake? Mrs. And Mr. Kim are waiting for you in the dining room" i heard the maid said, knocking on my door.

"Yes, please tell them i'll be there in a bit, thankyou" I said and proceeded to button my uniform.

Soon i went out, going through these empty walls.. Well, it's not that very much lively... These dark paints on the wall, passed down, generations by generation.
It used to be my grandparent's house but then they were passed to my mom and dad, it's making sad to think about it since it was just a year ago since they have passed.

My parents are always on a business trip about 1-3 months long so i guess im used to the feeling of being lonely... And empty.

"Goodmorning sweetheart, how's your sleep?" dad asked and smiled at me.
This is why i still love them even if they leave me in this large mansion..

they care about me and my whole being unlike other parents, they were too stressed with business to even chitchat with their children.

"I rested well lastnight..." i mumbled and we began to eat.

"shall i drive you to school?" dad asked.
"Uhmm... I don't want to interupt what y-"

"It's okay honey, after all it's you first day in senior high... Daddy will take you there okay?" mom said smiling at me...

everything's been going smoothly... And im getting anxious on what will happen next.

"Alright, brush your teeth first and we'll leave when you're ready" dad said and went in the living room, i went to brush my teeth and i called dad.

"Alright, hop on"

"sweetheart?" he called.

"Yes dad?" i asked and looked at him.

"You're still my girl right?" he asked

"Pfft, are you serious dad? Ofcourse... Im never even interested about dating and stuff.. You know that" i said and chuckled.

"then are you gay? Bi? Or something like that... You know it doesnt matter to me of any of that as long as you dont get into a relationship in an early age..."

"Dad im 17, mom wouldn't like hearing this stuffs... You know how homophobic she gets... And uhm, i'll love who my heart chooses dad i know what im doing."

"Yes but loving can hurt honey, i don't want them to affect your studies or even you"

"i know dad... I said i know what im doing, oh here we are" i said, pointing out.

"Alright, be safe okay? I love you!"
He yelled and i just nodded.

I went to the gate, seeing many students already..

"hey girl!" and that...

"nayeonie~ i missed you" i said and hugged her. "where's irene?" i asked and looked around.


"i saw that coming!" i said and chuckled.

"bitch why would you do that!?" Nayeon said irritatingly while holding on her chest.

"Watchu holding at?" Irene asked teasingly.
"She's holding n0thing" i said and laughed.
"You b*tch, what nothing!? It's clearly my chest and i think it grew bigger this summer" nayeon said.

"hmmm, what have you been doing this summer for you b0obs to grow bigger huh?" irene teased. "W-what are you thinkint!?" nayeon asked starting to blush.

"Yeah, why are you blushing?" i asked and laughed.

"No reason! Let's go, im late for class" nayeon said while dragging me and irene to the building.

"look at jennie's, they're so big"

"Hey where are you touching!?"


I went to the very back and settled myself..

I can recognize a few people but... Im not in the mood for socializing with old acquaintances.

"Jennie unni!" Someone yelled.. I turned around and it's park chaeyoung, my friend..
We became friends last year because she helped me on some of my studies.

Actually... We helped eachother.

"How are you chaeng-ah?" i asked and smiled. "Im doing good... I'll do better in my studies this year" she said.

"Jeez you always do better on your studies, what do you mean?" i asked and laughed.
"Ah! I heard you have a competition this year?" she asked, changing the topic.

"Oh yeah, right volleyball... About that, it's around second or third semester but yeah... Whatever, we always win anyways" i said like it was nothing but im really nervous for that freaking upcoming event.

I don't even know if im doing my best...
But i mean, i know i am or maybe i have to push to my limit? But it's not like i wiuld want to die just to win that competetion and we wrok as a team...

Im not prepared yet and the team needed to practice more.

"Ah, also... I just got a stepsister" She said and huffed. "Whoa... Really? I didn't think auntie would re-marry, when did that happen?" i asked.

"Yeah but she did... the guy is rich... You know manoban right? Yeah, that guy... And his daughter's very hot... But it's a shame we're stepsisters...just kidding though... It happened around mid summer... They got married and it was love at first sight bla bla bla" rosè said.

"Ah nevermind that, let's watch riverdale later?"


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