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College interview day. Today should really give me a solid answer to whether or not I've gotten into my dream university. As my interview wasn't until this afternoon my mom still made me go to my first few classes, which just felt weird. Both of the two idiots are gone now, Jules was super cautious and got an early flight just in case anything went wrong. Today and tomorrow, I would be riding solo which I am sure I can deal with. I've already decided I'm going to take camp in Fin's room and just stay there all lunch- he does not know this yet but I am sure he will be okay with it.

Talking of Fin, I hadn't even told him about my interview or the reference that would need to be submitted by the end of next month. Suppose I should just rip the band aid off and tell him sooner rather than later. You know what I will tell him before my interview, I will tell him at lunch. Which is only five minutes away so I really am doing this sooner. "Miss Wilson you are free to go now." Fin says.

"Actually, I need to talk to you so I'll just wait." I respond and go back to doing work. The rest of the class filters out a few minutes later which leaves me alone with Fin.

"What did you need then?"

"Just needed to talk to you about college."

"I think you'll find I'm well out of college." He jokes.

"Not you, me."

"You've got your interview this afternoon, right?" He asks to my surprise.

"Yes, but how did you know?"

"I'm your homeroom teacher as well, so I see your absences and why you are absent."


"Guessing you're sticking local then?"

"University of Chicago right near my dad."

"You'll love it; I did when I was there."

"Wait you went there?" I've been through his closet many times and have seen no evidence of this.

"For junior and senior year, I reckon you'll love it."

"I do to, but first I need a reference. I don't think it should be you who does it."

"But won't they be suspicious that I didn't do it?"

"I'll explain you're a new teacher who has only been here a year, so doesn't know me as well as others." I explain.

"I mean you've thought of everything, I'll email a few of the old teachers see if I can get you something." Leaning in I thank him with a kiss.

"Right, I better go, don't want to miss my train." I excuse getting up.

"How are you getting to the train? Surely you won't be walking?" He asks with concern.

"My mom will be here any minute then when I get into Chicago my dad is coming to get me." I answer.

"Not long until you get this cast off, right?"

"Not long at all and I am very much looking forward to it, I can have proper alone time with my man."

"Now I'm looking forward to it." He laughs. My phone buzzes in my phone which means it's time for me to go.

"Well, that's my cue to go." I exclaim walking towards the door.

"Good luck." He says as I leave the room.

My mom is parked right out front so I won't have to hobble too far. When I get to the train, I buy some snacks from a kiosk hoping eating will counteract the nerves I am currently feeling. The train journey isn't that long and then I'm struggling down the stairs to the street- it's been easier to walk on my cast for the past few days which is encouraging. My dad is waiting by his car waiting for me when I do make it to the street. He makes some typical jokes about the leg and doesn't poke that much into how the accident happened.

Me and Mr HenryWhere stories live. Discover now