No Kisses?

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It's 4:44 am and Daniella couldn't sleep even a second. Hours after he drove her back, She wouldn't stop thinking about her behavior, how she blamed him on the leaked pictures and how stupid she was at that moment. She was re-plying their conversation over and over again in her head.


"I didn't took the photos! How is that my fault?" He questioned in a squeaky high pitched voice. "Because." She said bored already, crossing her arms and watching the road while wishing for it to end. "You're really blaming me on something I have no control of? I had no fucking idea she would be taken pictures of us!" He kept defending himself. Daniella left a sigh, "I don't care, it's too late for that anyways." She rolled her eyes.

The car stopped a moment after, right in front of her College building. "It's your choice of forgetting or not, even though it wasn't my fault. Have a good night Dani." He said quietly, leaning to kiss her cheek, but she got off the car before his lips even touched her cheek, she slammed the door and walked away without any other word.

End of flashback

And there she was now, regretting of ever leaving like that. She could end things nicely but she had her ego coming over her. In 3 hours she has to get up and drive to her parents' house in Pescara, she also had to pick out a dress, pack her things, and get a date. But she skipped that part. Her mom is already disappointed on her so not bringing a date would be the last thing she'd worry about.

She rolled over on her bed, noticing Chiara supposedly sleeping. She got here a an hour ago, it's not such of a shock because since their 'fight' she would get to their dorm on those hours more often than before. But it wasn't normal for her to go to sleep without washing her makeup off, or at least getting rid of her clothes. No matter what or when, Daniella knew that it's super important for her to be clean before bed, also how noisy she was being at 3 am in the morning every single time. Daniella noticed something's wrong.

"Chi." She said quietly, almost whispering. Chiara sniffing right after was her sign that something is really wrong. "Are you crying?" She called again in a worried voice. It doesn't matter how bad things are between them two, she cared about her in some way. "I'm okay." Chiara answered in a shaky tone, trying to cover the hurt in her voice. "Is that about the pictures?" Daniella asked, maybe she is jealous?

No reply. Chiara stayed quiet but Daniella knew it wasn't it. Or maybe it was. She got out of her bed, walking to her Ex best friend bed, sitting on it while Chiara was facing her back to her. "I know we are not in good terms, but you can talk with me." You could feel the comfort and the caring In her voice as she laid a comforting hand on her. Chiara slowly turned around to lay on her back, all her makeup was ruined over her face by her tears. "Are you really dating him?" Chiara said while playing with her hands above the blanket covering her, not making eye contact.

"I kind of ruined it now so..." She sighed, "why are you crying about me dating him?" Daniella was still looking for her eyes, no found. "Me and Enzo broke up." She said sadly, a tear leaving her eye, but she finally looked up to meet Daniella's. "A week ago actually." She declared. "Shocking." Daniella answered sarcastically. "We had a bond, but not that deeply as I thought." She returned to look at her hands. "And I'm sorry." She wiped a tear out of her chin. "Well you should be. You were so fucking wrong with your actions Chiara." Daniella said harshly, she was truly hurt.

"I know. And I'm sorry." She said again, raising her look. Daniella saw her best friend's swollen eyes, she remembered their history together, from mid school to now. She couldn't forget about all that. "I don't know if I should forgive you to be honest." She said. "Well, you should. Because I need to know how good Damiano is in bed." She joked to lighten the air, Daniella couldn't hide her smile, she kind of missed her stupid jokes. Chiara smiled too, for the first time tonight. "We didn't even kissed yet. And I don't think we would." The smile on Daniella's face faded, she felt her heart dropping of tonight, her regret overwhelming .

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