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Daniella was getting ready, fully dressed she stood in front of the mirror fixing her hair.

"Can you stop staring at my ass?" She said with a smirk without looking at the guy leaning on the closed door behind her.

"Why is it there then?" He raised an eyebrow with a grin.

"Asshole." She mumbled with a roll of her eyes, finishing her doing with the hair. "Let's go-" she started while turning around to go, she was cut off by Damiano standing so close to her.

"What did you just call me?" He said dangerously, stroking her face with the palm of his hand.

"An asshole." She battled her eyelashes at him, her lips pursed together to not let out unwanted smirks.

"You're playing a dangerous game Daniella." His eyes scanned over her face impatiently.

"Am I?" She asked with a nod of her head innocently.

"You have no fucking idea." His fingers were firmed on her jawline, forcing her eyes to not leave his, her head tilted slightly upwards.

Damiano licked on his lips nervously before biting his lower one. Daniella scanned his expressions, trying to read the unreadable guy in front on her.

The silence was standing between them, not awkwardly, just extremely tense. The minutes they spent like that felt like seconds and they didn't even notice.

"Are you threatening me, David?" She whispered softly, seeing his eyes clenching to her choice of tone.

"I don't know, Litman, you'll have to see by yourself." One corner of his lips curved for a second.

"Sounds like you're threatening." She repeated insisting.

"Sounds like you want me to threaten you." He asked with a teasing look, almost reading her mind.

"You're not a threat for me though." She smiled teasingly.

Damiano loosened his grip on her jaw, his hand thrown down to his side. "Okay Miss No Fears, let's go get you coffee or I'll eat you up again." He rolled his eyes sarcastically and turned around from her.

Daniella's eyes widened to his words before she took a breath and followed him.

The two left Daniella's dorm, and they went through the empty hallway towards the exit.

"I know a coffee house down the street, I'll just get my hoodie and we can go." Damiano said when they left the building, going up to his car.

"Your hoodie?" Daniella stopped her tracks, he stopped right after to face her, confused.

"Yeah.. the photographers.." he raised his eyebrows as he met her eyes.

"You don't have to hide," she said.

"But- your parents-" he furrowed his eyebrows.

Daniella smiled widely and took a step forward to grab his hand in hers, interlocking their fingers. "My parents can suck my dick." She said firmly and started walking him away from the parking zone, to the main road.

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