He Felt Right For A Moment

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Warnings: May contain sexual activity.

"Hey mom." Daniella said over her mom's shoulder as she hugged her unnecessarily too tight, with Too much affection. "I'm happy you came." Her mother smiled and separated their embrace to have a look at her daughter. "Are you going to introduce us to your friend?" Her mom asked kindly, eying Josh who was standing awkwardly beside their bags in the door frame behind Daniella.

"Oh right," Daniella grabbed his forearm and pulled him to stand beside her, "he's Josh, a friend of mine." She presented him. Josh was oddly quiet so she elbowed him to react. "I'm Josh Anderson." He quickly said , kissing her mother on two cheeks and shaking her father's hand.

"The party is in a couple of hours, you two can go upstairs to organize your stuff. Daniella darling, show Josh the guests room. Me and your father have some things to do, I'll talk with you later." Her mom said and both of her parents walked out.

"Guest room? I thought more about your room..." Josh's cocky smile spread on his face right when her parents walked out of sight. "You should really calm down your hormones." She rolled her eyes and grabbed her suitcase, turning her back at him to start walking up the big stairs to their rooms. He chuckled and grabbed the rest of the stuff to follow her.

"Here's my room," she pointed on the first door in the long hall they walked into. "And here's yours." She pointed at the one next to it in the line. "Ooh neighbors." He said in a high exited voice. "Don't get too excited." She passed by him to enter her room. "You should go get ready," she turned to face him again. "let me know if you need something, I'll be in the shower." She said at the frame door before closing it in his face, leaving him alone in the hall.


Daniella has already showered, her makeup was done, and the dress Chiara borrowed her looked perfectly stunning on her body. It was a long black dress with a slit down from her upper thigh. She could hear people already in her house downstairs, chatting and laughing. She hated those events so much. "Daniella?" A voice came behind her door with a knock. "Come in." She called while checking herself out in the mirror. It was Josh, with his black blazer and elegant trousers, combined with his white shirt slightly opened and his wavy brunette hair framing his face. His jaw practically dropped when he noticed her. He cleared his throat with a cough and walked to sit on the edge of her bed.

Daniella finished looking at the mirror and turned to look at her 'date'. The shocked guy was staring at her, his eyes wandered all over her body until he met her eyes. "You look extremely ho- I mean, beautiful." He said and leaned back on his hands. "Thanks," she smiled softly, walking to sit next to him. "I wish I could just stay up here though." She sighed. "Why? You parents seemed nice."

"Wait until they start talking about the pictures." She mumbled a bit too loud. "What pictures?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Nothing." She stood up and smoothed her dress, "let's go downstairs." She extended her arm for him. He stood up with a smile, and crossed their arms together, "it'll be fine, they won't kill you for some pictures." He said as they walked out the door. "You saw them too didn't you?" She looked up at him by her side, their arms interlocked. "All the world did." He chuckled. "I'm fucked up."

They walked down the stairs to a house full of people. Even Daniella herself didn't know half of them. "Wasn't it a family thing?" Josh whispered to her, observing the amount of people around them. "Don't ask, let's get something to drink" she leaded them to a waitress standing in a corner with cups of wine. She removed her arm out of his and grabbed two glasses, passing him one of them while sipping from the other one.

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