The Things I've Seen

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Loki's POV

What the hell. That's the thing I was asking myself while lying in the grass staring up at a bunch of the guys. Like who are they????

That's when I see the hats. They were me? Or was I them? Who was who??? What was what??? Where was I? What the fuck is love? What is life?

And why wasn't I being rickrolled, because ain't no way this shit happening and someones not memeing me.

But I went with them. I'm still unsure as to why I did that. They explained what they call 'the void' to me. Apparently, that's where we are right now.

Did Mobius have this happen to, God I hope so. I couldn't handle having him leave me. I mean I just figured out I liked him. And he may like me too. I mean he said he trusted me.

And I barely do that myself, so that's gotta count for something right? I'm not sure. While on this walk I learned about how many Lokis there were. Like damn, I didn't know there were this many of me. Or was I one of them? Man, this was confusing!

Like when can stuff make sense? Like ugh, the world is really throwing me for a curveball right now and I'm not here for it.

Like, can I live in a cottage in the woods with a goat? I mean for one, there are adorable, and for two I feel like he'd love me, I mean we're twins. With the horns and stuff. Come on, how could he not love me.

Even Sylvie was slightly okay with being around me. And trust me a that's more than what most people can handle for me.

So I was kinda proud not everyone hated me currently. It was a low bar, but one I could reach. And one I was aiming for most the time.

I mean I know I'm not the most likable guy. And everyone knew I wasn't made to be, which made it even worse when I eventually and inevitably let them down. Every ledge she and myth made me look like even more of a jackass. And most people knew this, yet I still let them down. Cause I wasn't worth most peoples time.

And that's part of the reason I didn't want to let Mobius too close. I knew I would let home down. And I can't take that, not from him. I cared too much to admit and wanted to care too little but I still cared enough to where I couldn't let him go.

And it sucked. It sucked to be a sitting duck waiting to be rejected and told I wasn't enough even though he wouldn't directly say it. I would know. I always did after letting someone down.

And I think that's what hurt most.

People lied after telling me they trusted me and letting me trust them as well. And it hurt to know even with people I loved more than anything in the world, I would let them down, and they would lie to me. And I would always know, as I myself am the king of lying as well...

𝘔𝘺 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘧 [𝘓𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘶𝘴]Where stories live. Discover now