I Know Now

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Loki's POV

I knew why Mobius was angry now. Which was a step forward. What wasn't was the fact that I had been alone in our apartment for two hours and Mobius clearly didn't have plans on returning. Which angered me more than it should.

Or maybe it should anger me? I had no clue, emotions were a puzzling mystery. And my own tend to be a clusterfuck of everything and nothing.

Which sucked for those who cared about me and were around me. Which, makes sense why Mobius hates me now.

Or maybe he doesn't hate me, just doesn't want to come home for two hours cause he may want to kill me, that's not hatred. Right?

Mobius POV

I wanted to fricking die. Emotions suck and anyone who has the idea to have them will tell you that.

And right now I hated mine. Because for some reason, when I'm mad I decide to lay on the fricking hard-ass terrible floor. And it sucks, ugh.

Cause I love him, but I also want to hit him in the stupid loveable face.

Ugh, why does he have to be so oblivious and so stupid? Like he should've known this was touchy.

I mean, he's going to leave, and we both know it. And yet he acts as nothing happened. It's so irritating and so annoying. He discards others' emotions and I know it's what he's been taught to do and he's learned to do that exact thing for so many years and centuries.

But God is a nuisance.

And it makes you feel like a spec of fricking dirt in his world. It's annoying beyond belief. And it hurts like hell.

So I guess that's the combo of a lifetime.

And one reason I should be happy about him leaving. After all, we know he is. And I nor anyone else can stop it. And I wouldn't try.

Because I knew deep down when he first came here.

That he couldn't stay.
After all, first, he could've gotten deleted, then he did. And now the world he's from needs him.

And honestly, I'm angrier with him than it. Because he wants to go back to a world where he's killed millions because he's him. And yet, he wants to go where he is treated like a criminal and is a criminal.

So, I guess I didn't understand Loki as I thought. Then again, does anyone ever know a Loki?

No one knows, except for those who have, which where do they end up honestly?

𝘔𝘺 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘧 [𝘓𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘶𝘴]Where stories live. Discover now