Chapter Eleven: House of Memories

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Guess who's baaaaackkkkkk~!

Hi guys! School's done, I've taken care of (some) college stuff, and now I'm back to updating! :D

Ngl this story lowkey blew up a little since I've been away. I mean, I literally got 30 reads over night. That's insane! :)

Also I realized last chapter I completely forgot to include the song Y/n was listening to. But I'm including it here only because it's referenced in this chapter and without context it's a little weird.

As usual, I hope you enjoy my returning chapter. Vote, comment, and share if you can! It's always greatly appreciated.
Y/n opened the door to the house carefully, almost afraid of what was to burst through. She had all these demons running around on the underside of her skin; she was waiting for an onslaught of the little creatures the moment she pushed the door open with a small creeeeak.

When nothing happened for a few moments, Y/n finally took a step in. The door slammed behind her, making her jump. Bill flopped around in her hood.

Y/n didn't remember much of the inside of her house, but she knew that it definitely didn't look like this.

The room that was once the living room was nearly triple the house's size alone. Sitting in the middle of the large room, a prolific tree sprouted from a gaping circular hole in the middle of broken and split wooden planks, growing along the banisters of staircases in the very back. It's leaves brushed against the ceiling and two thick branches lead to adjoining rooms on the second floor. Smaller branches acted like stairs leading from the level they were standing at to the depths of the hole the tree grew from.

A large rug sat by the entrance of the house, spreading feet deep and across the long floor. Different doorways were labeled: one contained dreams; another had hopes; a third had fears— there were a plethora of different paths to go through.

Y/n and Bill scanned the area, both rather surprised with the scene before them.

Bill had never thought Y/n's mind would be so... big. It was almost as if every single event had been documented in her head. He had learned she had a photographic memory, but even this was pushing the limits of it pretty far.

Y/n was awestruck to see the inner workings of her mind. She knew she thought a lot and was prone to overthinking, but she didn't think it would appear visually like this.

One aspect that the two were both equally surprised to find was the state of the abode. It was in complete disarray. Bill had thought it would be more organized.

"Holy shit," Y/n muttered. Little whispers and shouts rang out from different doors from the abundance of hallways, each replaying certain events on repeat.

"Sorry for the mess," she said sheepishly, moving to hug her cast close to her body. "I guess I just think... a lot."

"You can say that again," Bill said, flying out of her hood. There was so much potential in here. He floated over to the large oak tree dead center of the room.

Looking down into the abyss, he could see almost nothing. The branches that lowered themselves deeper into the chasm slowly were engulfed in darkness— if they hadn't been snapped at the base, that is.

Y/n slowly made her way over to Bill, leaning forward to gaze down towards the base of the tree. She recognized the tree; it was a rather prominent figure in her mind.

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