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A few weeks later

Today's the day that I'm getting my cast off, as well as Kirby and I's six month anniversary...and he's out of town on a road trip.

I'll admit that life has been a little easier lately. I transitioned to doing online-school about a week ago and so far it's going perfect. I didn't want to deal with everyone from my awful school to be honest and I'm happy I don't have to deal with them.

Also now that I'm getting my cast off and transitioning into the boot, I finally won't have to sleep on the couch or in the spare room downstairs. I missed my bed.

"Good morning," My mom says coming into the kitchen where I was starting my homework. "Are you hungry?"

"No thank you," I say, shaking my head. "What time are we leaving at?" I look up at her and see her start to cook Emma's food.

Ugh, she has a thing for scrambled eggs.

Something that I can't stand.

"10:00," She answers. "I decided not to make your appointment too early because I know you don't like getting up early. Also we need to run by the office afterward"

I nod and look back at my homework on my laptop. It's been difficult to focus while doing school at home but part of that reason is getting distracted easily.

I hear emma's small footsteps on the wooden stairs, then the tile flooring, and see her trot into the kitchen.

"Good morning Em," My mom says looking down at her. "Are you going to have fun with nana while I take sissy to get her cast off?"

She nods. "Sissy why aren't you at school?" Emma had a concerned look on her face.

"I do school from home now. Remember?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot," She giggles.

"Now we can hang out everyday. That'll be fun, right?" I ask her and she nods.


She climbs into her chair next to mine and my mom places Emma's food down in front of her, to which she immediately takes her hands to.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" My mom asks.

I nod. "I'm just kind of nervous about getting my cast off"

"It's nothing to worry about. This happens to thousands of people every year"

"I know. I'm just kind of nervous about walking again"


Once my grandmother comes over to watch Emma, we are off to the doctor's office. We arrive and get into the large waiting room.

I pretend to look busy on my phone as my mom fills out the paperwork for the visit.

Are you getting your cast off yet?

About to get it off soon.. Hopefully :) How was practice?

Quite a workout. Just relaxing until the game tonight

I receive a snap from Kirby and see him, Cole, Caden, and Jacob all together in a picture.

My favorite people.

I send a selfie of myself back to Kirby and he quickly responds with heart eye emojis. He's so cute.

But I really wish you were here. It's frustrating bc I wanna spend our six month anniversary with you and I can't ughh.

I know, me too. But I have a lot of kisses waiting for you when I see you again

Yay. I'm so excited I can't waitt

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