twenty three

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"Mikayla," I bang on her bathroom door. "We need to get going"

"Hold on. I'm coming"

She opens the bedroom door and she's wearing a cream colored maternity dress. It made her blonde highlights stand out.

"Oh, Mikayla. You look so perfect," I squeal. "Are you ready for this?"

"Ready than ever"

We hop into my red civic and start the drive to her parents house.

"Are you excited for the gender reveal?"

"I've been looking forward to it," She replies, checking her phone. "..Cole's going to be there"

I practically slam on the breaks. The only reason I didn't is because we were at a red light.

"I thought you said you were done with him"

"Trust me, I am"

"So why is he coming?"

"To support his child. I told him about the pregnancy. I gave him the choice on whether or not to be in his or her's life, and he says he wants to be there"

"So you're keeping the baby?"

"I plan on it"

"I'm happy that he wants to be there"

"I'm just hoping he doesn't try to pull anything"

"What do you mean?"

"..I'm hoping he doesn't try to justify why he thinks we should get back together"

We pull up to the Sims house and knock on the front door.

"Cailey, Mikayla. Come on in!" Her mother welcomes us inside and the inside is completely decorated in cream colored ribbon. Just how Mikayla wanted it.

"Oh my gosh! This looks perfect," She exclaims, hugging her mother. "Thank you"

"Anything for you!"

There were a few family friends gathered in the living room. She goes around and greets all of them, and then we go into the kitchen.

In the kitchen my mom was setting up the cake. She had made a cream colored cake with a 'baby' cake topper, with cupcakes to match. I was assuming the inside was dyed to match the gender. There was a mixture of snack foods set out also.

"Hey girls," She finishes setting out the last package of plastic silverware on the table. "Good to see you made it on time.."

"Thanks to Cailey. Without her, I probably would've been late" Mikayla says, glancing at me and I laugh.

I look past my mom and see Cole talking to Mikayla's cousin. I slightly nudge her, breaking their conversation.

"What's wr-" She begins, then see's Cole on the other side of the room. "Hey, Cole"

"Hey Mack," He smiles, hugging her. "I missed you"

"I missed you too. I'm so glad you're here"

"Can we talk for a bit?"

"Sure" She turns around and gives me a look and I nod.

I lingered around the snack table with Mikayla's mom. She was gushing over how excited she was for the baby, how much she was looking forward to all the milestones.

"Everything okay?"

"It's fine. It's just weird to see him again" She says, scooping some chips onto a plate. "But it's nice to have closure"

"Why don't we go sit down.. To get your mind off everything?"

"That's a great idea," She agrees. "After all, we're here celebrating the baby. Not focusing on the past"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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