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The next morning I wake up at around 10:00. I don't usually wake up past 9:00 on Saturdays, but I've been tired from this week. I go into the bathroom and wash my face real quick, and then look at myself in the mirror. I looked gross, but I'll shower before the game tonight.

I see that I had a new message from Cole about an hour ago.

When are you available to facetime?

I click on his contact and watch the loading screen come up. I have to call him three times but finally, he answers.

"Yes?" I see he was walking on the beach of some sort. Of course he was.

"So I have to tell you something important," He says. "I'm coming back to play for the Blades this season"

"When are you getting here? Does Mikayla know?"

I had figured they would send him back to play this year anyways. He just got drafted in June.

"I'm going to be there tomorrow, probably. She knows..has she told you?"

I shake my head. "No..when did you find out you were coming back?"

"Last night" He says. "You're one of the first people I've told"

"I can't wait until you both get here" I say.

"Me too. I have words to say to your boyfriend"

I roll my eyes. "Shut up" I knew Cole would drop the 'big brother' act once he got to know Kirby a little better. "Can you please be nice? He's the first guy that's ever liked me"

"Fine, I'll do it, only for you"

We talk a little longer and I hang up, since I had to get ready for today. I go downstairs to share the news with my parents and it turns out they found out this morning.

"So we might have Cole come back and live with us. Would you be alright with that?" My mom questions me. "There aren't too many places available"

"Yeah, of course" I smile. Three teenage boys living at our house normally would sound horrible, but Cole is basically like my brother. Of course, Jacob and Caden are as well.

"Do you know for sure if he'll be living with us?" I begin to pour cereal while still speaking to her.

"No - coach mitchell might take him in, but I'll probably know by tonight" She says.

"Oh, okay" I sit at the table across from Caden, and he looks up at me.

"Hey Cai" He takes a sip of his water. "How'd it go last night with Kirby?"

"Good, I guess. I don't know, I've never met a guy's parent's before" I begin to trail off. "How did the party go?" I guess it wasn't technically a party, since the guys were just hanging out and watching Netflix.

"Liam, Jacob, and I ended up binge-watching half-a-season of Parks and Rec" He says. "So our night was pretty good"

I smile. "Are you excited for tonight?"

He nods. "A little nervous, but yeah, mostly excited"

We get to the rink at 2:30 for the game. Just as I walk inside the doors, I feel my phone go off and I see the groupchat with the girls was blowing up.

Where are you guys sitting?

Ryder and I are sitting in the middle section!
In 110.

I'm on the way there!

Cailey, where are you sitting?

I'm actually sitting with
Kirby's family tonight since they're in town :)
I'll be able to sit with you guys the next game!

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