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I stare at Kirby taking a bite of his sandwich and smile. How can someone look so cute while eating?

"You'll never guess what happened today"

"What?" He raises an eyebrow and grins.

"So today at lunch I was talking to the girls-"

"Is that why you didn't want to sit with me?" He jokes.

"You know I love sitting with you, but some things I can't talk about in front of you" I say in defense.

"I'm scared to know"

"Anyways," I laugh. "So you know my friend, Lanie?"

"The blonde girl? Yeah, she sits by me in history" He takes a bite of a french fry.

"Well, she's thinking about breaking up with her boyfriend..and I was thinking about setting her up with Jacob"

"Jacob Gran?" He raises an eyebrow at me. I nod in response, taking a sip of my water. "He has the hots for her"


"He doesn't stop talking about her in the groupchat"

"The what?"

"The team group chat"

"Since when is there a team groupchat?"

He takes out his phone, goes to his messages, and shows me a text log between all the guys.

What's the go-to for tonight boys?

Play station night at my place?
Call of Duty?

Can't - hanging out with Cailey tonight

Eww, my billet sister?

Oh, shut up man

"Since when is this a thing? Cole never told me that you guys have a groupchat" I say pretending to act hurt.

Speaking of Cole, he moved in with the Baden's which meant that him and Kirby have had a lot of time to get to know each other. Mikayla is here as well, but she moved back into her apartment.

"It's a guy thing" He shrugs.

"I'm guessing you and Cole are buds now, huh?" I smile. "He finally came around and saw how awesome my boyfriend is?" I wink.

"Well, we do live in the same house" He laughs. "He's cool though. We talk about you and Mikayla most of the time..or food"

I raise my eyebrows at that. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, when he first moved in, he was extremely protective about us dating, but we've gotten to know each other well.. I think he likes us together"

"Aw. I like us together too" I grin. "Speaking of Cole, does he talk to Ashton?"

I didn't want to bring up my ex-best friend, but I was dying to know. I don't know why I haven't made up with him by now anyways.

"Sometimes, I guess. I don't know," He says. "Ashton hasn't been at home a lot recently"

"What? Why not?" I take a sip of my water.

"He's been spending a good amount of time with his team"

I roll my eyes even thinking about the school's hockey team.

"Oh, that makes sense" I say. "Aren't they having some stupid party tonight?"

"Yeah, some of the guys are going"

"...So what else does Ashton do?" I was curious to know what Ashton had been up to since we stopped talking.

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