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My alarm goes off and I groan, rolling over to shut it off. 6:15 am. It's the first day of working with my mom at the dental office.

I get out of bed and start my morning routine, which consists of brushing my hair, washing my face, and getting dressed. My mom had given me an old pair of her scrubs to wear. They ended up being cute, but looking better with a cardigan on top. I take a quick mirror selfie to send to Kirby and then put my phone in my pocket.

I go downstairs and see the boys engulfing their breakfast. They had early morning workouts earlier so they were starving.

"Aww. There's our girl with a job," Caden says. "You're practically grown now"

"I know right" I say getting some water.

"Cailey, smile, look at me," My mom says trying to stick her phone in my face as I turn around. "I need to send a picture to your father" I groan and set my cup down, smiling so that she wouldn't need to take more pictures.

"I have a question. Can I wear this cardigan or is that not allowed?" I ask my mom who was on her phone now.

"It's allowed as long as you're not near any patients mouths"

"Uhm. Yeah I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon" I laugh nervously fixing my hair into a braid. "Or anytime at all in the future for that matter"

" never know," Jacob chimes in. "In the future you could be cleaning one of our teeths" He says motioning to him, Caden, and Emma.

"What? No.." I roll my eyes at the boys. "Absolutely not"

"Well. You don't know what your career holds" He shrugs. "I'm just saying"

"Jacob does have a point" My mom says, glancing at them.

"What? no..I can't believe you're agreeing with them" I shake my head.

"Don't include Emma and I in this. We're just enjoying our scrambled eggs" Caden says fist bumping Emma.

"Oh shut up. Whatever" I laugh.

When breakfast is finished, the boys are off to school and we're off to the dental office. We had to drop off Emma at school first. I really didn't trust myself to walk her to school right now after slipping on the ice and breaking my ankle.

"Bye Em! Have a good day at school" My mother says as one of the teachers lets her out of the car.

"Bye mommy!" She waves goodbye and I see her trot into the school with a few of her friends.

I get out my phone and see that Kirby had responded to the snapchat I sent him of me in scrubs. His response was a few heart eye emojis. I giggle and send him a selfie and he snaps back in seconds.

You're making it hard for me to focus in class with sending pictures of you looking all cute

I smile at that and send him a few heart emojis. I didn't want to distract him too much.

We pull in to the dental clinic and my mom has to unlock the door. It doesn't open until 7:00. My mom is always the first one here.

"So what exactly am I going to be doing?" I ask as we walk inside.

"Well," She begins. "Since it's your first day, all I'm really going to have you do is organize paperwork"

I nod. Well that shouldn't be too hard?

Once the clinic opened, I spent most of the day doing exactly what my mom said I'd be doing. The first few hours went by pretty quickly, and then it was time for lunch. For lunch I sat in the office and ate with my mom. I don't really know anybody here yet.

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