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The next morning Kirby comes over at about 7:00. He had most likely been awake since around 4:00 since he had team conditioning early this morning and then he had to get ready for school.

"How was practice?" I give him a hug and he wraps his arm around my waist and then kisses me on the cheek.

"A lot of running. How'd you sleep?"

We sit on the couch and I grab a blanket from the couch beside us. I wrap myself in the blanket and lean my head against the cushion of the sofa.

"I was tired. I'm still a little sleepy, but you're better than sleep"

He smiles at my response. "You're still up for tonight, right?"

I sit up straight and eagerly nod. Kirby doesn't have any hockey-related plans after school today which means that we can finally spend a Friday night together.

"What did you plan for us to do tonight?"

"Well" He begins. "One of the ideas I had was for us to go ice-skating"

I smile at that. "That sounds like fun"

"And I'm not sure what we should do afterwards, but how does going to dinner sound?"

"I would love that"


At school, I hug Kirby goodbye and start walking off to my locker. Of course I'd be seeing him in homeroom, but our lockers are on either sides of the school. His is right by our classroom.

I open up my locker, stuff a few books inside, and get out what I needed for 1st and 2nd period. It's safe to say that I've almost conquered the locker system. I'm not on this side of the school again until third period.

On the way to homeroom, I meet up with the girls and we begin to talk about our classes and homework. We go in class and a few of the guys were already inside. Kirby smiles at me from across the room and I sit in the desk beside him.

"Did you get your essay done for this morning?" He questions.

"I did. You?"


I smile to myself and open my folder. Homeroom is probably my least favorite class, but thankfully my seat is next to Kirby's. The first half of the day goes by quick and for lunch I end up sitting with the girls outside. We usually sit with our boyfriends, but we decided to sit outside without them today.

"So how's it going with Ryder?" Gianna asks Lanie and then looks at the rest of us. Lanie and Ryder had been on and off again for a little while and she's been wanting advice.

"Well. I don't know, I might end it with him" She takes a bite of her sandwich and looks at the rest of us. "I don't think I'm even interested in dating right now"

"Aww. You know there's good guys out there, right?"

"I'm starting to feel like there isn't any" Lanie answers back. "Ryder was great in the beginning but he doesn't even care about us" She picks at her food and looks at the three of us.

"I know a guy that you'd like" I chime in. "How about Jacob Gran?"

"Isn't that your billet brother? Is he single?"

"Yes, and yes. He's 100 percent single"

"....What does he look like?"

I take out my phone and find a picture of him on Kirby's story from earlier today. I show Lanie and she smiles.

"When can you introduce me to him?"


After school, Kirby and I went back to my house since I had to grab a jacket for the ice rink. I had completely forgotten to grab one this morning.

"So when are you going to show me how you play the violin?" Kirby was sitting on my bed and I was attempting to find a jacket in the closet.

"Well, you just asked me yesterday" I smile at him and slip on my 'pink' zip-up hoodie.

"Please?" He asks. "You can trust me"

"One day, but not right now" I sit on the bed beside him and give him a kiss and he grins. We go downstairs, say goodbye to my mom and Emma, and I barely remember to grab my gloves.

At the rink, a few of the other guys were there already. Kirby says a quick hello to them and then he gets both of our skates. He puts his skates on first and I watch him.

I haven't skated since my last hockey game, which was over two years ago, so it's safe to say that I don't know what I'm doing.

"Kirby?" I sit down on the bench next to him.

"Yeah, babe?" He looks up at me.

"How am I supposed to put them on?" He finishes lacing up his right skate and then squats in front of me and laces mine up. He makes sure that they're tight and then he looks up at me.

"Do they feel okay?"

I nod and he stands up, taking my smaller hand into his large one. I stand up in the hockey skates and look up at him. "Thank you"

He smiles at my response and he steps out onto the ice first. He turns around and holds out his hand for my balance. I take his hand and as soon as I step out onto the ice I feel much more confident. He puts one of his hands on my waist so that I could gain balance on the ice.

"How do you feel? Do you want us to start out at the wall?"

I nod. "I feel a little better, but I think that'd help"

We begin to skate a lap around the rink and Kirby keeps a hand on my waist for my balance. "I can't believe you do this almost everyday. How are you not scared of falling?" I ask, guiding myself along the boards.

He smiles at my response "I've just gotten used to it. When you play hockey for most of your life skating kind of becomes like walking"

"And you don't think about falling?"

He shakes his head. "No, not really. Well sometimes it happens during games"

I slowly take strides forward and I can feel myself gaining more balance and traction in every step. When I had finally gotten my balance, I challenged him to a little race across the ice. He lets me win the first few times and the last time he shows me how fast he can go across the ice.

Have I mentioned he's really good at skating?

After we finish racing we skate a few more laps around the rink and I hold onto his hand tightly. It's cheesy, but I loved the feeling of our fingers mushed together.

"I honestly think this is one of the most fun things I've done in forever" I look at our hands together and he gives my gloved hand a little squeeze. "Thank you for coming up with this" I kiss him on the cheek lightly and he blushes softly.

"You know, sometimes they have skating after our games" He says. "Would you like to do that one night?"

"Of course"

A few moments go by and then he gently presses me up against the boards and begins to tickle me while I begin to laugh. "Kirby, stop it!" I can barely say through laughs. He's figured out my weaknesses already. We both begin to laugh and when he stops, we both have giant smiles on our faces.

How did I get so lucky to have him?

A/N: Not my best chapter but I promise the next one will be much longer! Thank you so much for 3,500 reads and thank you for voting on the story!

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