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Cailey POV

It's been a week since I broke my ankle and the days have been passing by slowly. Kirby comes over before school, the boys leave, my mom goes to work, and the boys come home.

"Mom, I can't thank you enough for staying with her," I hear my mother say to my grandmother. "I couldn't imagine leaving her here by herself"

"Oh, it's nothing.. now, how about you get to work before you're late, hon?"

I look up from my phone at the two talking in the kitchen.

"I know, I know," I watch my mom hurry and put on her coat. "I'll be back before the game tonight. Love you both" She gives both of us quick hugs and grabs her purse.

"Love you too"

As soon as she leaves, my grandmother sits on the recliner next to the couch I was on and begins to flip through channels. I pick up my phone again and see a new text from Kirby.

Be greatful you aren't in spanish right now. Mrs. Anderson has it out for me today.

Well, maybe you shouldn't be texting in class?

Maybe I should try that

I smile at his response and put my phone into the cushion.

"Who are you texting?" She pauses from her knitting.


"Your boyfriend, right?"

"My mom has told you about him?" I ask.

"She has, but I wanted to hear it from you," She nods.

"Okay. Well, we've been dating for almost four months," I begin. "He's super cute too. Uhm..he plays hockey for the Blades. Also, he's really good..he's kind of shy when you first meet him but he's really funny when you get to know him" I pause for a minute. "And he's really sweet"

"Do you think he'll play hockey professionally in the future?"

"I hope so" I say.

I find a picture of him on the Blades instagram and show her the picture.

"Oh! Isn't he such a cutie?," She takes off her glasses to see the picture of him. "When do I get to meet him?"

"Today. Well, if he comes over after school"

After I take my morning pain-pill, I'm out for the next few hours.

"Are you just gonna sleep all day?"

I rustle out of my slumber and see Cole standing over me.

"Shut up," I say preparing to throw a pillow at him but my mother stops me.

"I come home for lunch one time and you're throwing things?"

"Sorry" We both apologize and she laughs.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask Cole, trying to prop myself up to where I can see him better.

"Mrs. Baden made a casserole for you guys," He sits on the ottoman. "Also, I'm bored"

"Where's Mikayla?"

"At work," He lays on his back so that half of his body is hanging off. "And I have nothing to," He takes a look at my splint. " when do you go back to the doctor?"

"In a week," I answer. "You know, I won't be able to walk for three months"

"What are we gonna do for that long?" He groans.

"We? At least you can walk" I sass.

"Whatever. Are you still going to come to games?"

"Not anytime soon" I shake my head. "Obviously, I'm not coming tonight"

"How long is soon?" He groans.

"Maybe 2 months" I guess. "I don't know"

"Ugh. I'm just gonna have to wheelchair you around then"

"Probably" I laugh.

A/N: This is a short chapter - but I've recently begun to write the story again after struggling with writer's block. Thank you to everyone who continues to vote on and read the story!

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