twenty one

145 3 0

A/N: Hey readers. I apologize for not updating since April! I spent the summer semester abroad in China so I was not able to use wattpad. Please enjoy this chapter!

Kirby had been dying to go ice skating ever since I recovered from my ankle injury. Lucky for him, there was a free skate after the Blades game this afternoon. I hadn't been skating ever since we went roller skating for our first date.

I watched Kirby as he got down to lace up my skates. I knew how to tie them, but he insisted that he would do it.

"Do they feel alright?" He presses on the toe of the skate and I nod. He stands up and I take his hand, being cautious to stand up.

"I'm scared to stand up"

"Don't be, you've got it" Kirby says making sure I stand up correctly.

We go out onto the ice and he goes first. I step out onto the ice and he keeps an eye on me, making sure that I make it.

"Do you feel okay?" He questions. I put my hand on the end of the boards for support, causing Kirby to grip onto my waist for my balance. "I've got you, Cailey"

"I think I've got it," I nod. He watches me closely as I take a few strides on the ice.

"Oh, so you don't need me at all, then?" He smirks, skating up next to me.

"I beg to differ" I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "But speaking of needing you.. I'm dreading for you to go back to Edmonton"

"I know you are," He says, kissing my hand. "I'll be going home on April 1st.. But I'll be back in mid-august"

The school had an arrangement with the team so that the players could do their school online when they go back home for the summer. Some of them would stay until the end of the school year but I knew he wanted to be with his family.

"I don't want you to go back at all.. But I know your family misses you," I say. "You're going to be so far away though"

"It's only a five hour drive. Plus, we always have facetime..?" He was trying to make me feel better.

"That's true," I swallow. "...Are you still not wanting to live with the Baden's next year?"

"I would prefer not to. But if I'm with them.. That's okay. Because I'll be across the street from you"

I smile at that.

"I know we've mentioned it before, but I wish you could live with us. Even though it would never happen"

"Your mom would probably hate me"


"Because I'd be cuddling you in my bed every night"

My cheeks immediately flush at that.

"I'm glad I make you feel that way" I smile and he smiles back, kissing my lips.

We earned a well deserved 'eww' from Jacob, who was across the rink with Caden and Lanie. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at them.

"So speaking of living arrangements next year," Kirby begins. "Your sister.. Did you ever reach out to her?"

"No," I say. "Do you think I should have? I don't even feel like she is my sister"

"You can always change that, Cai," He says as we get off the ice.

"I don't think she wants to speak to me. I don't even know if she has time for me"

"I trust your judgment but I don't want this to turn into a Ashton situation"

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