Chapter Thirteenth {Edited 11/10/16}

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Ella's POV
I slipped in the card in and then out. I pushed the door and it opened. It was small but nice. I opened my bag and went though it. All of this was UGGH!! Because Harry read my diary. More like..... One Direction read my diary? Maybe......
A/N It was Sunday when it all went down so yeah!

Ella's POV

Monday(One Day)

I rise from the bed, tears stream down my face. Bad dream, very bad. I seem to be crying a lot, I wipe the salty tears off my face. I get up and look at my phone, 150 calls, 200 texts. I kept getting notifications from Instagram because I forgot to log out of Dad's account so I went to see what all the fuss was about.

"Hi guys! Today I want to announce that my daughter Ella is out on her own and we are really scared for her. Ella please come home! #PrayforElla #Ellacomehome !"

That was a post with a photo of me and my newly red hair. I was fading already. And #PrayforElla and #Ellacomehome were going viral. I have to call them but not here they will probably track me down. I look at the clothes in my bag, I was gonna have to improvise.

10 minutes later

I had a black hoodie that went to my mid-thigh,  black shorts that went to my knees, red lipstick, ankle black socks and converse. I grab my bag and walk out of my room. I walk past Cindy and say, "Good morning and see you later!"

"Wait there is free breakfast and you should eat," Cindy informed me. I agreed and she directed me to a small dining room. I grabbed an apple, some lucky charms, a blueberry muffin, and took some orange juice to-go. I walk out of the motel and start walking to this park that I had spotted when I was running ago from the house.

I finally get to it and I sit on the swing. I take the muffin out and start eating. I click Dad's contact and it starts ringing. At the second ring he answered. "Dad," I said trying to stay strong."Ella, baby girl,"he sounded like he was in distress."Dad, put me on speaker," I felt myself breaking down."Ok," he put me on speaker." Hi, everyone!!!" I try to sound happy. "ELLA PLEASE COME HOME!!" everyone yelled and I noticed new voices, well not the groups voice."Wait Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam, other one, and Blake are you still there?" I asked astonished that they may be there.

"Of course," they chirped."Ell please! Please, please, please, so many please in the whole freaking world will never add up to how many pleases I want to say. Ell please come home! I miss you, I may not be your best friend, boyfriend, family or anything. And your family may miss you the most. It may be hard to come back but please do!" Blake pleaded.

I started crying, I missed them! I finally got happiness and I couldn't keep it. "It isn't as easy as that Blake," I couldn't breath. I tried filling my lungs with air but I might have sounded like I was dying. "ELLA TAKE DEEP BREATHS PLEASE!" Laura instructed. I could breath again, I also had trouble with breathing. "Thanks, Mom. It isn't easy. And Harry I guess it wasn't ALL your fault, there is things going on and I need to sort it out. I get something incredible in my life and I run from it. I run, I always have. So I called because I want to tell you that I will come home on Sunday," I announced, lucky for me school had a week off.

Which Blake and I just realized. There was silence and it was painful." I'm so sorry, I call everyday and I will give hints of where I am. Here is a hint #1 2,4,6,8 what number am I at? I am safe and sound but it may cost 50. It was really nice to hear everyone's voice." I was crying. " Ella pleas-" someone yelled but I already hung up. I couldn't do this. I got up and started walking. Let's see what I come upon.

No one's POV

Everyone was tired but not at the same time. A couple people went to sleep but a lot stayed up, waiting for Ella to come through the door. Smiling and happy. That phone call made everyone cry. She was crying and it affect all. Blake kept repeating the clue. Laura and Rydel was crying. Ross was pale and look motionless. And the rest was a reck.

Ella walked into the library, and boom she was in love. Her troubles slipped away, for a limited amount of time. She grabbed four books and went up to a lady who helped her made a book card and put them in her back pack. After that she continued to explore and came across a Walmart.

He was watching, observing Ella. Beautiful, she was. He has been watching her for two years, it was an anniversary. He was going to actually talk to her, give her a present.

Ella was paying, cash. Credit card could be traced and she knew that, just like she knew to take off the tracking device on her phone. Her quirks wasn't gone, her purchases showed that. Pop tarts, grapes, pizza, cards, photo, and some bracelets were paid for and she walk out.

Then all of a sudden she ran into a man. "I'm so sorry," she apologized. "It is fine, I was giving away present to girls who's name is Isabella, more Ella though and I was wondering if your name is one of those," the man asked. That was a little suspicious but she was happy that she was getting a free present! The man seemed familiar but that sort of slipped her mind,"Yes my name is Isabella but I prefer Ella!!" She was so excited, yet naive.

The man grabbed something from behind his back and it was..... A locket that said Love you Ella. She was confused and when she looked up, he was gone. She put the necklace around her necklace, it was beautiful to her so why not. She began her adventure back to the Motel and suddenly she heard screams.

Fangirl screams? Oh no, they must have found her! She started running until she got thrown into an alley. And there stood... Dan Howell and Phil Lester!! " Hey sorry about that but you were about to die out there because of those fans! Do you know us?" Phil told her and Dan asked. She was frozen in shock," Y-y-ess I-I-I d-do know you g-g-uys," she stuttered. " Oh no she is probably crazy fan!"Dan freaked, he TRIED to whisper to Phil.

" NOW THAT WAS RUDE! YOU DON'T KNOW ME AND YOU ARE THE SECOND PERSON THAT I HAD TO SAY THAT TO IN THIS MONTH! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I WANTED TO HELP YOU," she was raging mad, everyone was doing this to her.. Maybe this is why she ran away. Being alone was also so easier than being with people. "I'm so sorry!"Dan apologized. Was he sorry? He is just like D- He wasn't D- no one was ever like that monster. He didn't betray her trust. Didn't hurt her. Didn't read her diary.

"Ok I forgive you," she accepted his apology. He ran up to her and squeezed her, and then Phil did the same. She squealed and they just looked at her. "Um, I'm staying at a Motel that you can hide." she offered. They squeezed her again and she squealed. They all pull their hoods up and walk away. They grab Ella's hands as a "disguise" so they could get past people. They get to the hotel and went to her room.. She was tired, she was always so tires. "Hey guys we should go to sleep," she announced. The boys took off the bags from their backs.

"I'm so sorry, this was the cheapest room so small. It has a bathroom room, and unless one of you wants to change in the shower and then change in here. Also I'm going to the lobby so you can change in here. Um.. BYE," she was so awkward. They hurried up and got dressed while she was getting some food from the kitchen and the vending machine. Ella walk in with her eyes closed which made her bump into both of them, shirtless.

She opened her eyes and got up so fast, which made her fall away. She got up, grabbed her bag, and ran to the restroom. She hopped in the shower and it was quiet for a long time. "She is something, don't you think Phil?" Dan laughed. "Wait, why is she alone? She is young and alone, why?" Phil wondered aloud. It was quiet again, for a long time. "Mate, d-," Dan was cut off Ella walking in. Her hair was wet, she had black sweats, a baggy grey top. She put a bun into her hair, and b-.

"Why is your whole head blue?" Dan and Phil questioned nervously. She answered, "Temporary dye. I like it, you don't?"she asked with a pouty lip. "We do!" Dan rushed the answer but it was nice of him to say. She went to the couch, Dan slept on the floor, and Phil had the bed. "Goodnight," she said and fell asleep.

Blake was so close. 1 2,4,6,8 what number am I at, I am safe and sound but it may cost 50. She is at a motel probably, that is a cost of a motel not a hotel. And the numbers.... Motel 6! he thought. "She is at a Motel 6!" Blake yelled.

Hey how do you like it? Do you like it? Shoutout to @shorsconverse for voting first!! If you comment first the chapter is for you and if you vote first you get a shoutout!! So comment, vote, and follow me and @shorsconverse . P.S I love your name, follow me!! So hope you love!!!
-Theawkardburrito ✌️❤️🇬🇧

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