Chapter Fifteen { EDITED 9/9/17}

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Ella's POV

Sharp, loud voices woke me from my slumber and I shot up quickly, taking in my surroundings. I was set on a comfortable twin size bed in a nice room. It had dressers, open closet, walk in bathroom, bookshelves, and a desk . After scanning the right, I turn to my left towards the door and see two guys. I just stare at them confused, but the everything came back. The stalkers, the fight, getting kidnapped.

I shot off the bed, trying to distance myself from them and the dark haired just laughs and the other one, who had lighter hair, spoke softly, "You have to get up and put this on."

He walked over to the bed and put it on the bed. I quickly snatched it and examined. It was a teal tank top that printed 'I will never' in black with a black anchor, black skinny jeans with rips in front, and black high heels. Did they seriously want me to wear high heels?

"No I will fall on my face with this high heels so no," I told them.

The one who put it on the bed pleaded to me, "Please put it on."

My temper became rise causing me to reply, "No!"

The dark haired one also got a change in attitude, yelling, " Put it on!"

I stood by my word, screaming no.
He started clenching and unclenching his hands.

"Do what I say! And stop act like a complete bitch," he got louder, making me flinched. How dare he.

"No! I said no and I mean it! What should I expect from a kidnapping asshole!" He snatched my arm and forced me against the wall.

"What did you call me?" he growled.

I didn't think. I wasn't thinking. My mouth was faster than my mind, I had no control. " You heard me, I called you a kidnapping asshole," I answered back smugly.

It then happened so fast. My head was pounded into the wall twice, my face snapped to the other side with a fierce pain in my cheek, and I was thrown to the ground.

In my life, I have done things I'm ashamed of. And I'm glad that I wasn't ashamed of what I did after his abuse. I refused myself to cry nor say sorry.

When I finally picked my head up, I see the guy who had hurt me get punched in the face by the lighter haired guy. Not to sound conceded but did he do that for me?

The abusive guy  got up from the floor in shock but quickly recovered. His lip became to get swollen and under his eye was already turning to a different color, deserves it.

"Put it on. It's the last time I ask nicely," I scoffed at his words and he stormed out of the way, leaving me with the nice one.

"My name is Connor, that was J.C and I'm going to clean you up," Connor softly grabbed my hand and led me to the restroom. My mind filled with fear but my heart swelled with comfort. He wasn't J.C and he didn't hurt me, my heat spoke.

"Your lip is cut, your cheek is extremely red, and I don't trust you to sleep again in the next 3 hours. I'm pretty sure know how but I will just go over it. J.C pushed you against the wall twice, slapped you, and threw you to the floor," he explained to me.

He lift me up, placing me on the counter. He dipped a q-tip in Peroxide, and was about to apply it to my lip before I spoke.

"Why did he get so mad?" I wish my voice was stronger and it oozed power and strength, but it didn't. It was meek and I sounded scared.

"He is going through a lot right now. But it gives him no excuse to do that to you," he swiped at the cut with the q-tip and I let out a small wince.

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