Chapter Four { Edited 11/2/16 }

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Ross's POV

OMG. Ratliff is in trouble by my daughter. That's weird because Ella is only 14 years old, but she made Ratliff pale, and scared out if his wits. Well not scared particularly, but uncomfortable. It is really quiet until Ella says,"I'm going to go outside". Before anyone could say anything, Ella open the window and jumps out the window. We rush over to the window, what the hell is she doing? Oh, Ella is just laying down on the grass. WAIT HOLD THE FART TRAIN, she died. I hear screams but then I realize I'm one of the people screaming. I screamed in absolute horror, I'm having a heart attack. My eyes are stinging, tears stream down my face. I feel myself collapse. Finally everything goes black.

Ella's POV

OMG, did I just yell at Ratliff? Everyone looks shocked, oh whale.. That was the most I said to them. Finally I break the silence by saying "I'm going outside" and then I open the window and jump. On the trampoline, landed on it, jumped off it. Then lied on the grass, closed eyes and deep breaths. I hear screaming and a bang. Somebody fainted, I got so used to doing it, I know what it sounds like. Since everyone is upstairs, I decide to go in the front yard to be alone. I see three people running so I decided to hide behind a garbage can. There are three girls and a boy.


I can't believe we are having the family reunion at my house. My cousin's and I are playing outside when it happens. One of the little kids tripped over the container that was filled with gasoline. One of my cousins got a match to light a candle but it got to hot so she threw it on the gasoline spill. Then everyone went inside for cake when the big fire started. Lily and Emilio runs out. I hug them tight, both of them say,"Run,run as fast as you can and never look back". I listened, so I hugged my sister Lily and said "I love you, don't ever forget that or me, and Mio and you stay together". Then I went up to my cousin Mio hugged him and said "Take care of my sister please! I trust you. Remember you are my favorite boy cousin. I love you." Before I left, a small figure comes out of the house. Destiny. I ran to her, hug her and say," Lily and Mio will take care of you. I love you and you are my favorite cousin." Finally I ran away and never look back.

~~~~~~~~Flash back over~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~Flash back~~~~~~~~~

I'm so tired, it seems like I was running for hours . There! A place I can sleep. I jog to the run down house . It is beautiful, in a sense. It's was a fixer upper but I wonder why people would abandoned this house. All of sudden I hear the door open so I hide in a closet. I hear teenagers, 2 girls and 2 boys. Oh my gosh, what if they are going to hurt me? One of the boys say"Kery go get the stuff from the closet." Kery just starts walking to the closet so I hide. Kery walks in and closes the door and says " Come out, I will not hurt you." So I come out of where I'm hiding and then stood Kery, my future friend.

~~~~~~~~Flash back over~~~~~~~~

I can't see their faces but they were saying a name. The name start the letter E. Their voices sounded so familiar. I heard them before. Wait, is it them? Please be them. In case I was wrong, I put my hands up. I was taught how to fight and how to defend myself. My hands are my weapons. Kery, Emilio, Lily, and Destiny. The last people I ever imagined to see. I screamed and collapsed to the floor, darkness immediately consumes me.


Hi haha cliffhanger love you guys comment,vote,or friend me I will friend you back. Later my minions!!!

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