Chapter Seventeen { EDITED 9/10/17}

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Ella's POV

I didn't say anything. I was silent the whole trip ride. Everyone tried to talk to me but I was so out of it. God I miss them so much

but everything is different now.

It truly is.

"Ella?" Ross called my name.

"Yes Ross?" Ross, so unfamiliar, it made him flinch as if a slap to the face would.

"We are here, we are home," he finally answered. Everyone is different now, they seem almost....dull. We all piled out of the car and started walking to the house.

Rydel got her keys and open the door and we all separated. I went up stairs with my stuff but stopped mid way "Guys!l Everyone ran towards me scrambling, mostly everyone asking if I was okay. "I love you and miss you," I told them and kept going until I met my room.

I walk in and it was the same as when I left it. I put my bags down and go to my bed and sit on it. That's when I broke down. What do I do?

Who am I?

I'm scared.

I wipe away my tears and start picking my room and putting stuff away. I was finally organized so I decided to go swimming, I prayed it would be peaceful.

I put on my one piece bathing suit and some shorts and put one of Kian's white shirts on. I looked in the mirror and almost cried again. The girl looking back at me wasn't me anymore.

I took a shaky deep breathe and realize what I needed right now was people, not loneliness.

I walk out of my room and yell, "WHO WANTS TO GO SWIMMING MY PARTY PEOPLE?!!!!"

I heard a chorus of me' s and I smiled.

I stop at the stairs and my creepy smile comes back.

"Errr Ellaaaaa whatcha doing?" Ratliff questioned.

I turned around, tilted my head, batted my eyelashes, and said " I have no idea what you are talking about."

He ran downstairs like a maniac, muttering something about me being possessed. Grrrrr. Why can't people understand?! I'm not possessed, just weird.

I sit down on the top of the stairs and try to curl up in a ball. "Ready for take off in 5, 4, 3, 2," I count down.

"Ella don't push yourself down the stairs," my parents yell. I giggle and shout "1!!!" I roll down the stairs, laughing like a maniac.

This is so fun!!! I always was so tempted to roll down stairs. I hit a wall and start rolling downwards, muttering stuff about the periodic table

. I finally stop rolling and realize I was at the bottom of the stairs. I open my eyes and uncurl myself to see everyone staring at me like I was.... What's a good word for that? Let me think. OH I GOT IT!!!!! Lunatic!!! I started laughing and twitching my eye creepily, on purpose of course.

My weird side comes out when I try to mask my sadness. I try to hard to be happy.

"Oh Blake you are here," I noticed him finally. I dig through my memory trying to place him, ohhhhhhh. When I opened the door at Kian's house.

"If you don't want me here I can go," he offered.

"Umm no it's ok," I shifted and looked at my feet. They aren't huge but not small, I'm a size 8 1/2. They are the same skin tone as my skin, they match.

NOPE, NOT DOING THIS, RICKY TAUGHT ME BETTER. Pick your head up, smile, and be your sassy self.

I picked up my head, flashed a smile, and joked, "Where is the shotgun? I'm shooting the elephant." The tension left quickly with the laughter that was going on.

Laura Marano and Ross Lynch had a child?!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora