Chapter Ten {Edited 11/8/16}

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Ella's POV
I was so happy, almost nothing can bring me down. Key word: almost. " Baby I know you may not like this, but you have to go school." Raura told me. And all my rainbow was covered in rain." You want me to go to a place that I call a torture method. I was bullied. I don't want to go back. High school sucks," I stated. "But this school isn't your old one. It's a great school, a private one actually. Not that much kids. And if you agree, I will buy or do anything for you," Ross said but Laura added in at the last part. "Ugh, fine only because I can get an education. And anything?" I chipped at the question.

"Yes anything, anything for my princess." Ross told me." Ros- Dad I'm not a princess, everything but girly stuff," I pouted. We walk back in the house since it was night, we all headed to the rooms. " Goodnight, mom and dad, " I pecked their cheeks and walked to my room. I grabbed a pair of black shorts, dad's black shirt and white knee-high socks with a little white bow on the top of it. I put my hair in a cute but messy bun with a white bow even though I'm going sleep. I put my phone on the charger, Rocky taught me how to use it and all of them put their phone number in there.

I went on Wattpad and signed in, I started reading this one book about a girl called Georgia Rose and One Direction it was so good and sad. I went off and started to take photos of myself. What, I thought I looked cute. I finally grew tried and put my phone down, I closed my eyes and boom me sleeping.

Next day

"Ella wake up," someone familiar said." Ok, time to get up," another familiar voice said and I got hit with a pillow." Wake up or I will pour water on you," again with the voice."I'm up. I'm up." I said tiredly, seeing three girl faces. " Time to get ready for school," they yelled at me. I rubbed my eyes, stretched, and noticed it was Rydel, Stormie, and Laura. I stood up and walked to my bathroom,  moisturized and  splashed oh so cold water on my face, and boom I wasn't a zombie. " Do I have to?" I yawned.

"Yes and time to go get dressed," they again yelled but this time dragging me to the closet. I picked out a black spaghetti strap  with a blue shirt that said,"Who is that?" in white. I paired it with black skinny jeans, white converse and a black beanie. I was happy with the way I looked and so was the girls. I hurried up and brushed my teeth while Laura did my hair. I looked in the mirror and seen she made beach waves, I think that's what it is called. I also had a black cardigan because it was pretty cold today. I went down stairs to see all the guys just stare at me while eating cereal. I grabbed the fruit loops box and someone else did." Let go of the fruit loops and nobody gets hurt. If you don't, you get hurt," I growled at Ryland who was sporting a pale look.

He let go and I started skipping to the cabinet where I get a bowl." So bipolar" Ryland mumbled. I grabbed cranberry juice, milk, and a cup. I poured the cereal in a bowl with the milk too. And then I poured myself some cranberry juice in the cup. A great breakfast really.

10 minutes later

" You will never take me alive," I yelled, clutching onto the door while everyone was pulling me off the door. I was very reluctant and making quite a scene, people were staring. "You are going to be late," Rocky yelled back. "GOOD-NOOOO," I yelled because Rocky pried my hands off the door which made me fall. On the cement. On my face. Hard. "Are you ok?!"Dad asked. "I'm peachy just here hugging the cement, it has feeling you know. But all you do is walk all over it," I mumbled in the sidewalk. They picked me up and I wiped off the imaginary dust in me. " Fine but I will be waiting for ice cream when I get out." I told them warnily. They nodded, kinda scared this time.

We walk to the torture place, I was scared. Ever since my parents died, I worn the same old thing. I washed it some times but it was hard having almost no soap. Tons of people bullied me for that and many more and it did hurt and sting. But now I got two parents, 4 uncles, 2 aunts, 4 grandparents, wonderful house and room, and clothes. I went very slowly until someone threw me on their shoulder and I just lied there. Upside. I don't know what to do or how to act. I'm very anti-social, even when my parents were alive I was very anti-social. I rather read a book than interact with someone. I'm a nerd and a tomboy. My mind is always a scatter mess, my heart is always broken, my body was always hurt.

I never understood the meaning of popular. What was it really? Is it about how much people know you? How nice you are? How tough? Or was it based on nothing really just our screwed up society? Who knows what popular is? In movies populars are always the mean ones. My old school was like that. "Ella, Ella. Earth to Ella." Dad flashed his hand in front of my face." Oh hi?" I answered unsure about my surroundings. I'm in a office? How? " Hello Isabella I'm your new principal,  Mrs. White." a women said. She looked around 23, she looked exactly like the women at the police station, the questions one." I prefer Ella and what is the name of the school?" I answered.

" We explained your class, my name, the school, times, and that. And you know nothing," she remarked with a hint of disgust. "Ok "Mrs.White", well I'm stupid why in the world am I at this school? You know why it is because my adopted parents want me too and I had a horrible life since I was 11! I have gone though some horrible thing that you don't deserve to be rude to me. You don't deserve to look or talk to me like I'm stupid or a pig. I went to school for two years with the same freaking clothes! I GOT BULLIED EVERY DAY I WENT TO THAT STUPID PLACE! I hated my life. But I'm still here. So don't give me that bull. I was zoned out, I was thinking. About things. So screw off because I'm tried of getting hate, getting hate on," I yelled at this chick.

I didn't notice that I was crying until I felt my face wet. I wiped the tears furiously. " I'm sorry," shocked Mrs.White looked ashamed. "Oh I don't want your bull or your pity. Just tell me about the school," I slightly calmed down." Ok so your home room teacher is Miss Tilly, she has your schedule with her. Again my name is Mrs.White. This school is called Golden Plaza, our school mascot is a golden horse. Your lunch is at 12:51 along with the other sophomores. You will learn more later. I just have to look up your name because it is the middle of the year. So full name, please." she answered all my questions." Isabella London Sanchez but my new name is Isabella London Lynch," I said proudly.

" Very smart. All A's. Even had the opportunity to skip a grade. And with your age, 14, you are one of the youngest in your year. And you are in tons of advanced classes. Wow. Little bit of trouble, but excellent on so many things. Okay, I will call Miss Tilly to send someone," Mrs.White answered.

3 minutes later

"Bye Dad, bye Mom," I yelled at them last. They lefted and here I was waiting for someone who is going to hate me. I sighed, I sat down. I thought of about everything that I have every known. I then stood up pacing back and forth just thinking of everything. One thing that nobody knows is that I have a photographic memory so school is kinda easy but the people, people in general. I didn't notice I was about to cry until I heard "Don't cry." I took a deep breathe," Why were you about to cry?" a boy who was fine as can be and a bit older than me. He looked concerned, worried about me." Oh you wouldn't want to know. Nobody should," I whispered the last part." I do but I have to show a girl around school."

"Well sadly for you that is me." I sighed and he chuckle. "What?" I pouted."You look so beautiful and seem amazing and I want to talk so much right now but I have to give you a tour. But  I would love to show you this torture plaza." this boy made me want to melt. "Well let's go because going to my old school sucked and I was wonder if this one does too. So..going to school!!" I told him. Oh my gosh why did I agree to go here?

I know it is short but I like it so shut up. So hope you like it. Shoutout to R5_4LIFE. Comment first the next chapter gets dedication to that person and vote first you get a shoutout. Follow me and check out my other story. See you late Saturday or Sunday. BYE!!-Theawkardburrito ✌️❤️

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