Chapter Six { Edited 11/2/2016}

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  • Dedicated to to every single person who reads this

Ella's POV

Everything is blurry, I feel my lungs filling and I choke on the air. I can hear the gas leaking. Something is gonna happen and it isn't good. I hurt really bad in my side I think. There was a sharp pain shooting there and Ryland has blacked out, out of panic I guess. This isn't safe, we have to get out, we need to.

I scan the car to see nobody in the car, that's great though. It was getting stuffy and harder to breathe. I put my oversize shirt to my mouth and I did the same to Ryland with his shirt and unbuckled the seat belt. I struggle with the door but after a few kicks, I was able to get it open. I climb out since I was on top of him and try to grab Ryland, dang HE IS FAT! Just kidding or am I? Mwhaha, no bad Ella.

I throw him out right when the car was engulfed in flames. I stare at it in shock, it's sort of scary. I tried to pick Ryland up. Dang I should really start lifting weight or lifting Ryland, lol. I mean we need to go if the area starts on fire. The car is still on fire, although I hear sirens already, but since we have the best luck, we landed near dead grass. I somehow manage to half pick him up, half drag him. I just started to running and it's like I couldn't stop, I felt like I didn't have control over my own body. I asked myself why, why am I running? Is it from them or am I just running from myself? Am I running from my past? Am I running because I don't think so deserve a family? Am I running because I don't believe that a family could ever love me? I stop and just let myself think.

Ryland begin to stir awake, but then I accidentally dropped him. He was wide awake by then, and he was mad. "Why did you drop me!" He hissed. I was in shocked and angry, I think. If he treated me like this, the soon-to-be-uncle of mine that was so nice before, how is Ross, my soon-to-be father, going to treat me? How is my new family going to treat me? How are the fans and the paparazzi going to treat me? "Forget it, I will come back later. I need to think, not with you around. Tell Ross and Laura I'm fine," I told him while still in deep thought. Suddenly, he picked me on and threw me on his back.

I started screaming, kicking, trying to fight back until my muscles were weak and tired. "Are you calm? Are you tired?" He asked, his voice soft. I replied with a weak yes, I felt vulnerable, I hated that. He let me down but then picked me right back up, bridal style. I let my mind travel into deep thought. It got me to accept thing, come face-to-face with my fears, my issues, my past. I felt my mind become slightly clear. I went to sleep thinking of my new family, I know now that life will be good. Eventually. Hopefully.

Ross's POV

The ambulance is here fixing us up but I feel so numb, I feel weak and all I could do is hold Laura and think of Ella and Ryland. I could have saved them, but I didn't. I saved myself. Everyone is crying, including me. Most of them are crying over Ryland, he is our brother and to those not related, like a brother. But Laura and I are crying for both because Ella was just a young soul that just need saving.

I can still hear his voice. "Guys, I need your help, I need your help." It hurt my heart, if only I could have helped him. "STOP CRYING AND FLUCKING HELP ME!" Wait what? That is his voice, not some imaginary voice in my head. That's him in the distance, carrying a lengthy but small person-wait ELLA! " GUYS RYLAND HE IS OVER THERE WITH ELLA" I shouted, I point my finger to where I see them. We all start running but Laura, I was carrying her bridal style due to her leg being slightly sprained.

We all can see him clearly now as we approach him. His face looked bruised up a bit, his clothes are ripped, he had a little cut on his forehead. I looked towards Ella and saw that she looks worse than me and all of us. She was bruised up, more than usually. Her clothes also ripped, and she was bleeding wait what? "She is bleeding. In the crash, she was pierced with something. Guys we need to go take her to the paramedics," Ryland informed us. We all run this time to the ambulance when they see us they take Ella and Ryland and put them in their truck and we go to the hospital. Laura and me are right next to Ella, Riker and Rydel are with Ryland, Ratliff went in the front of the truck with Ryland and Rocky went in one with us. I just feel like I could have done something, I could have saved her not Ryland. ME.

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