Chapter Seven {Edited 11/2/2016}

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Previously on Laura Marano and Ross Lynch,Had a child!!!!!!
Ella's pov
Ross spoke up, "Ella come here young lady." So i got out and it went quiet. So me hating on silence asked,"What's wrong?" Riker just pointed at me (so rude) so I looked down at my body. And then I seen them, my scars, all of them showing. I can't remember how much there is. I looked around to see shocked faces so to avoid them I would do what any sane person would do, I jumped in the pool.


Ella's Pov

The suddenly cold water hits me, my inner self starts saying rude things, " You are stupid Ella,  you aren't even good at holding your breath and it's not like there is Narnia freaking down here." Meanie-wait what is that lever. My inner self continues,"Ella don't-idiot what have I taught you about Narnia and pushing buttons?" I may have pulled the lever and swam into a cave, oops. I swam longer and I came to a end, it was breath-taking. It was a waterfall with a pond around it, it also had a room that just was extra space. I believe this was an older thing built to give water to the pool but then someone decided to cover it up.

I lied down on the cement floor thing and I let myself breathe. They had seen the scars, not like I can lie because then I feel bad. And I have to tell them. It's hard letting people in though, it's so hard. Time past by so I swam out of the cave and out of the pool to only see 6 worried faces. I cut off every word they were trying to say, " Please I'm tired, I will tell you tomorrow." They just sighed and nodded all at the same time, wow. I run up to my room and lock it. Today was so long, well time to take a shower. I hop in the shower like I'm a bunny and turn on the water. I'm really worried about telling them, my life isn't actually a story book.

Oh well, I have to tell them sooner or later but I guess I have to do it sooner. I turn off the hot water and quickly grab my towel and put it around my body. I look at the mirror at put out my flaws, I don't know why but it makes me feel better. So I quickly put on my sports bra and boy shorts and walk out of the bathroom. I grab a white oversized shirt and blue basket ball sports and put them on . Oh yeah they actually let me pick some clothes out. Finally my body starts to relax and become numb. Soon everything goes black and that's it.

The next morning_______________

I wake up randomly, hearing silence. Yes!!!!! I look at my clock and it reads 10:00, oh let's make breakfast. So I walk down stairs quietly so I wouldn't wake anybody up. I walk into the beautiful kitchen and look in the cabinets and saw food that can last me for days, years. I walked toward the fridge, getting bananas, apples, strawberries, raspberries, and blue berries. I also grabbed eggs, bacon, sausage, caramel, and the ingredients to make pancakes. I grabbed 3 pans from the cupboard and get the pancake batter and toast from the cabinet. I cut the bananas and place them in a bowl, and I do that with every topping besides the ones that don't need to be fixed. I put everything that was supposed to be in pancake and a secret ingredient. I put the sausage in then the bacon and I put the eggs in a separate pan. Finally all the food was ready so I put all the toppings on the counter, and caramel and syrup. All of a sudden everyone was running down stairs and into the kitchen. I stop everyone and I mean everyone. I let Stormie and Mark get theirs, then Laura, Rydel,Ross, Ratliff, Ryland, Riker, Rocky, and finally me. I grabbed one pancake that I put banana and caramel on and my second one was strawberry and whipped cream. I grabbed one serving of eggs and one of each, bacon ad sausage. Everyone was smiling and was asking me how I did this. " Well, I grew up with a mother who loved to cook as well as father that lived for cooking. And I knew how to limit things those three years alone and i guess you gotta live. Oh and it is fun cooking." Everyone continued to say how good my food is. I finished and put my dish in the sink, note to self: clean whole mess that I made in the kitchen. I went upstairs in my room and lock it. Um... what I am I gonna wear?

3 minutes later

I finally finished my outfit. It was black jeans, a blue flannel, converses, oh and a ring with a crown, a heart necklace with a peace sign in it, I wear my new bought glasses that looked like nerd glasses, and a black beanie. I also put my hair in a braid. I walk down to see nobody there, good I can start cleaning.
4 minutes later

R5 plus the parents, Ryland and Laura walk down. But then they start arguing about how I cooked and cleaned most of the kitchen. how they should have done it, but I told them I wanted to do it, end of decision. They hesitated with agreeing back but the parents started helping clean. All of us but the parents walked out of the house, we walked for while until I spotted a small park. So we decided to rest there. OK I can do these.

"So I was a normal girl, well not actually normal but I was really happy until I kinda turned 11, a fire happened and killed my whole family besides my sister, and my two cousins. For three years, I lived on my own because my little family thought it was the best for everyone. But one day, like 3 or 4 months before we meet I walked into an alley to get to my shed as a house but three guys ganged up on me. They took me and cut my stomach and back," I touch my stomach and back," they left the small scars you see by little cuts but they are forever scars, forever on my body. At least for now, that is it. They were sick, they just laughed every time I screamed in pain. They didn't give me big cuts because they said it gave me more pain to do so many . They kept me for two weeks. Every time I said something bad they would slap me or whip me. It hurt so bad. Once I spit on one of them they slapped me and whipped me almost all day. They almost raped me but luckily I got out of there. They called me so much names, they said I'm worthless, bad words, and some much more. After that. I got ganged on a lot but not like the three guys. I also got bullied really bad at my old high school. That is why I have scars, why I fight, and why I don't like when people touch me. I cried almost every time they hit me. It hurt really bad and it still does emotionally." I didn't realize that I was crying until my face felt really wet. The last time I really cried was the torture. I cannot stop, my little cries turned into uncontrollably sobs. I'm 14, I'm so young, why did I have to go though this? I have been strong but I don't want to be. I just want to be happy.

Authors ending: So there it is, it's a little sad really. Sorry if it is short but I really don't care, I got you a chappie, enjoy it. So from now on I will try to do a chappie every week but it will be small but if it is special occasion I will try to do a long one. So hope you enjoy it. Theawkardburrito is out!

Laura Marano and Ross Lynch had a child?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora