Chapter One { Edited 7/27/16 }

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Ella' s P.O.V

I turn around but I wish I didn't because I see a girl, but that is not just any girl. She is the one and only Laura Marano. I busted, I will go to jail, oh my god! I'm surprised she hasn't done or said anything, she just looks at me, sadness etched on her face. But she is looking at me, well not me, my body. I look at my body and noticed I was incredibly dirty and my clothes were very ugly and too small and ripped. Oh, pity. Ugh, I hate pity.

I run to the door to make my escape but just when I was about to open the door, it hits me like someone opened it from the other side. I fell, which kind of embarrassed me in front of Laura, but instead of looking at Laura or trying to escape again, I look at the person who is watching me. Ross FREAKIN Lynch. And that very moment, the world became black.
-_____________-  {Frog Face, Yea me is weird}

I woke up to people talking. they sounded familiar, I started racking up my brain trying to figure out where I was, who the people were. Ok so my friend told me about me a concert, a R5 concert. I found a small, unnoticeable opening and I snuck in and found myself in their dressing room. Laura Marano was there, she pitied me. I tried escaping, got hit by a door, saw Ross Lynch, passed out. Nothing special there, just- WAIT WHAT?!!!

Wow. That's who was talking, I decided to eavesdrop. "Who is that?!!!?!" Ross hissed." I don't know but look at her..It just..... She looks sad, lost, scared, and unhealthy." Again with pity, I mental roll my eyes. Ross whispered "I know but what are we going to do?!" Laura responds with a soft voice "Let's wake her up. She looks peaceful." Well now I must have fun while it lasts, mwhaaaa. Yea, I have issues, I'm a little cuckoo. FOR COCCO PUFFS. Right when they were going to wake me, I assume, I open my eyes, do a creepy smile, and say creepily "Boo." Which filled my intention in scaring them and almost made Ross crap him self.

I notice the door began to open and the two avert their eyes towards it so I hide. Under a blanket. I'm just praying someone doesn't sit on me. I look at the door and this time I almost craped myself, me not Ross. It was R5. Then on accident I stand up, with the blanket on top of my head, covering my hair. Crap..Crap ........ Crap.....Crapie crab cake..

Everyone is looking at me and I didn't like that. I hate it, it was so uncomfortable and weird so I yell,"STOP, STOP, STOP!!! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!" They gave me a look that I can't comprehend and I'm pretty sure it was a disgusted expression. And for some reason, I found it very hard to breathe, I began choking on air that wasn't filling my lungs. They rush to me and they finally got the courage to say something, all of them ask in unison" Who are you?!" I pull my self together and answer their good question in a simple response "Hhhhiiiii I'm I'm Ella!"

They started to say who they were but I say pointing at each of them while say their names"Ratliff, Laura, Ross, Rydel, Rocky, and Riker.." They all looked shocked. As the leader she is, Laura starts questioning "Where are your parents, where do you live, how do you know us, can I get you want something to eat?" "My parents died, I live in an abandoned house, R5 from the radio and I watch T.V at my friends house, and yes please," I pop the p on please and make my puppy eyes. She got me fruit, yay I love fruit!!! I sit down on one of the table, criss cross apple sauce, and with no manners I shove the food in my mouth. What, I was hungry. I already know we all do it. I pick up a napkin that she put right next to my plate and I wipe my face.

"Sooooooo" I tried to  say but was interrupted when Ross and Laura say" Who do you live with?" I kinda already answered that but I still specific" Nobody." Laura looks to the side and then back at me" So you are an orphan? I'm so sorry if that sounded mean." I wave my hand, motion that it's ok and I nod my head yes. Laura called the rest of them in like a group hurdle and they all whispered things I couldn't hear. Suddenly  I hear Ross and Laura shout in unison "Why us?!!" They noticed that they yelled and I heard, obviously by my perked up ears so they continue to whispered. Everyone seems to talk in unison, especially Ross and Laura. They are so cute together!!! I ship it 😍! So after a hour or so, in reality 5 minutes, they stood next to me in a circle. At first I was scared but then they smiled, it was kind and genuine. Finally someone said something, that someone was Laura and that something was" Would you like to get adopted by Ross and I..?" Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! I started freaking out and suddenly, I felt the world spinning. I collapsed and I saw black with white dots.

Laura Marano and Ross Lynch had a child?!Where stories live. Discover now