Chapter Twenty

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Ella's POV

"Guys I'm fineeeeeee," I whined, they were fussing over leaving me alone at the house. They all had their own things to do and wanting to get me a babysitter. Like I was 3. 

"Um last time we left you alone, you fell down the stairs," Ryland inputted and I sent him a glare. He shrugged his shoulders and folded his arms across his chest. 

"That was so two weeks ago. Come on now! You guys are busy and I don't want to be a bother. I can handle being alone," I tried to persuade them. Ross and Laura looked at each other, figuring out what to do with me with only their eyes. 

Ross sighs and Laura speaks up, "Fine. But you keep your phone with you at all times, no matter where you are in the house. And one of us doesn't get a text every thirty minutes, I'm driving straight here and you won't be staying home alone anymore." Now this is Mama Laura. I nod quickly and she smiles, then leaning over and places a kiss on my cheek. 

"Okay, we must leave. Love you Ella! Leggooo," Rydel ushered everyone out except Ross.

"I'll meet you guys at the car. I wanna talk to my daughter," Ross told her, she nodded and shut the door.  When he calls me his daughter, my heart swells with pride but also hurt. I don't even know who is my biological father. Most of my life was a lie and all of this happened. But I guess, if I wasn't given up, if the fire didn't happen, I wouldn't be here. And I'm happy that I am.

"You gave us quite a scare Ella. You really did," he took my hand and just stared at it, like it was glass and so easy to break. 

"I know, I know. I have to be careful. I'm sorry," I apologized to him, although it wasn't particularly my fault. My damn clumsiness is just out of control. 

"The reason I wanted to talk to you is.... I'm thinking about proposing to Laura," he looked up at me, searching my eyes for any reaction. My eyes widen and my hand bolts to my mouth, which was grinning ear to ear.

"Oh my goodness. I think that's amazing. Oh my gosh, Ross that's freaking awesome," I attacked him with a hug. He embraced me tightly and laughed at my silly behavior. He let go and pulled something out of his pocket, it was a ring box. He opened it and the ring was just beautiful. It was rose gold with two bands, leaving a small gap between them in the front but on the back it was intertwined. The diamond was oval and I could only imagine how it would look on Laura. 

"I got it today. I was hopinggggg that you could hide it in your room for me," he handed me the ring box and I looked at him in bewilderment. 

"You trust me enough?" I look at him nervously. I better the ring was expensive and I was scared I would mess up. 

He laughed softly and placed his hand on the back of my head, " I trust you everything my beautiful girl." He pulled my head towards him and he kissed the top of my forehead.

I love you too Dad, which is what I wish I said. What I wish I could say. But no. I said, " I'll be honored." Of course I would. But the trust he has in me, I... I don't know how to particularly feel about it. I know I feel good about it. But unknown feelings stir just as much. 

"Great. I'll talk more with you about the proposal and everything but later because I got to go. Love you El," he kissed my forehead again, squeezed me tight, and left my room. I placed the ring in a locked box which I hid in a shoe box under my bed. I keep things that I wish to keep hidden and private in there and for safekeeping, now the ring too. 

I slid off my bed when I hear the door close. I lean on my foot so I don't cause myself much pain. I'm glad the broken ankle wasn't that bad, the doctor said I just have to wear a boot but with crutches for the first week, and be extremely careful. I've had to go in for x-ray's and physical therapy, it's been getting better. Thank goodness for Blake helping me carry my things. 


I feel like since the whole "kidnapping", we have drifted more and more apart. Of course we still hang out at school with our friends and he did help me out a lot with my broken ankle, but nothing other than that. 

I missed how it used to be. I miss our sneak outs, our secrets, our inside jokes. I miss my best friend. I love Katherine and Jessica but Blake was the first person I could trust in almost forever. And that changes a lot. 

I go to my balcony and I peer at his window. He was alone. He was changing. He didn't have his shirt. 

He was taking off his pants. And I screamed, covering my eyes with my hands. I'M TOO YOUNG FOR THAT LIFE. LORDIE LORD, NO NO NO. I AM A CHILD OF THE LORD, J E S U S  I S  M Y  S A V I O R.

I uncovered my eyes to see Blake's head out of his window, laughing so hard that he had to grip the window sill. I started to mean mug him but his laugh was too contagious that I stopped and laughed as well. 

"You are a dork Ell," he smiled and rolled his eyes at me. 

"I know I am and that why you loooooooovvvveeee me," I smiled so big that the skin by my eyes crinkled. I laughed at my own self, goodness I'm going nuts.

"Oh yes, your total and complete weirdness drew me in," he replied and laughed at his quip. When he laughed, it was so lovely. It was so genuine, so incredible, so full of life and energy. It's like he was blasting light. 

"I miss this, ya know. Us laughing together, talking outside of school, hanging out, being us," i confessed and looked up at the sky. I didn't know how he was going to react. What if he didn't miss it? What if he enjoyed us not hanging out anymore? What if he didn't care? What if- 

"God me too Ell, me too," I whip my head to him and his soft eyes. He was telling the truth, I could tell when he was lying and this moment wasn't it.

"Let's go," I let the mischievous words slip from my mouth and I slipped back into my room, shutting my balcony door. I slid into a green jacket and one shoe on and quickly grab my bag that I take everywhere. I go down the stairs, carefully this time and then limp out the door. 

Blake was already at the doormat. 

"You are getting slow Isabella," he playfully scolded me and I crinkle at my too formal name. 

"I have a broken ankle, have some sympathy," I shook my head at him and walked ahead of him. 

"Are you ready for an adventure?" I giggled at my own words. 

"Always," he spun me towards him and we were nose-to-nose. 

"Okay," I managed out breathlessly. 

He let go of me and then spoke, " Let's have an adventure."


Hey guys. I know it's been forever. School was hard, life was hard, and I gave up on things that made me happy. I'm sorry. I'm trying. But alas, I'm back. I won't have an update schedule because then I have free roam and not have utter pressure then come out with shitty chapters. You guys deserve better. 

ANyways, I need new characters and I would be honored if you guys would want to be one or a character you have created or whatever you want. And if you guys have any suggestions, I almost always reply to comments and private messages. 

So yea. If you want, you could comment and vote and even subscribe to me. 

I love you guys, I really do. 



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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