||Diluc: Hey, Tell Me

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I love the amount of distrust I receive from my readers lmao y'all funny

Angst to fluff requested by AnimeImposter

read the A/N at the end of this chapter for my open (art) commission's info! (Pls commission me i need money to live and go to college :"))

Black lotus inspired huAHAHAHAHAGAGAGGA (joke)


➷hey, tell me➷

The dark engulfed the sky, the silver moon now visible, though it was not bright it still lit up enough for the world to see. It was a cold and peaceful night, perfect for two lovers to sit by the fire under a blanket. Yet y/n was alone this night once again.

This penthouse, this big room, this big window, yet it still felt suffocating. An imprisoned bird in a large cage is still an imprisoned bird. It will learn viewing the same view outside it's window over, and over and over again turns dull.

It was near one in the morning when the door finally unlocks.

"You're home," y/n tried, they really did, to sound inviting. "How was work?"

Diluc fixed his tie, setting his black suit on the chair. "why are you not asleep yet?"

"...I was waiting for you." They answered truthfully.

Diluc untied his hair, letting it fall on his shoulders. He didn't give y/n a glance and passed them to his bedroom.

"I've told you before, you don't have to do that."

The door closed gently without waiting for another response.

Y/n stared at the dark colored door for a while, deciding not to say anymore. They went to the opposite direction to their bedroom.

Before entering, they took a chance to look back at that damned door, whispering in a low voice, "Diluc, it's my birthday today..."

Pathetic. Really pathetic. What sort of sin did they do in all their past lives for them to be stuck in this situation. They truly believed that it'll be okay, that as long as their parents are happy.

Y/n wasn't enthusiastic about the arranged marriage proposal before, but they weren't fully against it. Diluc
Was a gentleman; cold, but polite. Y/n remembered those nights before the wedding were sleepless night, they were excited, curious, and young.

Now those sleepless nights have returned, yet they only felt empty. Eyes open, looking at the white ceiling, if only they hadn't gone with the plan. Would they have become a somebody now? Maybe a rival to diluc's wine company, maybe someone everyone looks up to?

An endless possibility with a dead end.

Y/n wished the night stayed longer, a time where they can keep dreaming of a passed future.

The next day was eventful. One of the activities y/n disliked was big parties. Unfortunately, it was mandatory for them to show up for any of The dawn winery's events as diluc's spouse.

The company was filled with food and drinks. Important figures were chatting with each other throughout the building. To beautiful to waste it by standing in a dark corner alone.

"Congratulations, Mx y/n." One of the guest came up to them. "I wish for you and your husbands company to keep growing." It was all formality, they've heard it all before.

"Thank you mr. Joseph, I assume you and your wife are doing well?"

"Indeed, indeed." He laughed, but then his eyes showed it's disgusting glint. There it is. "Speaking of my wife, she's quite interested in you."

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