||Xiao: Almond Tofu Struggle (2)

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You're lucky I don't like plot holes so I had literally made an entire plot for one oneshot. I have to much time on my hands

Also, this book is growing abnormally fast. 4.55k holy shit. I gained 100 in a day what. Y'all just horknee istg.

Ah, btw this is less of a continuation and more of a flashback/explanation kinda thing. This is gonna be really short doe bcz like, i didn't really wanna make a continuation for this shcjajfnsnf

➷almond tofu II: the mist flower of Liyue➷

You grumbled being sent on another commission by your dearest. Lumine was happy to obliged, while Paimon was indifferent about doing something for the adepti. Because of that, you didn't really want to complain (though you will end up doing so anyway).

Just a few more meters and you will reach a mountain with a bunch of sweet flowers on it. Lumine really does mark everything in that map of hers...

As you were walking by, you were suddenly pulled back, an arrow zooming right past your nose. "You need to pay more attention to your surroundings." Lumine chuckled, pulling out her sword.

You nodded, seething out your weapon.

You weren't as experienced as Lumine, but a few hilichurls were nothing. Or, that was what you had thought.

After an easy fight with the mask wearing goblins, you wiped your sweat. You thought the fight was over, but you could've been more wrong.

Letting your guard down, you didn't realize an attack going your way. Not until Lumines panicked expression noticed you of the incoming cryo abyss mages crystal shards charging at you.

You turned around to block it, but it still ended up hitting your chest, but you were fine.

It didn't do you much damage, nor did you exactly feel it. It was a but cold, but that was to be expected from getting hit from a cryo.

"Are you okay?" Lumine rushed right after dealing with the abyss mage.

"Huh?" You blinked. "Oh, I'm fine."

"That's good. Now, let's continue shall we?"

︶︶︶︶continue with Xiao︶︶︶︶

Xiao had no idea what to do except going to Liyue harbour to search for Morax. With a freezing girl in his hands, it didn't take him long to reach the bustling harbour. It didn't take him long to find him either.

The unusual panicked look in Xiao's face told Morax enough about the situation.

With Childe's help they managed to find a good doctor for y/n.

"She's been hit with a cryo attack right through her heart."

He didn't know what to make of this information. He didn't know what to do. All his life he didn't have to think about other people but him and now, the one he cared about, this mortal soul is dying in his hands.

So he preserved her inside a crystal, hoping she'll last long enough for him to find a solution.

Hundreds of years passed though he still waited for her to open her eyes. The girl that had become the mist flower of Liyue, stuck in time as her love wrecked the entire world over.

No it wasn't a simple spell,, it was a curse that hit her, otherwise it would've been so easy to find a solution.

Even if he had to wait a millennium for her, he'd do so, even if he knew her heart had stopped beating decades ago.


...in my defense, i never said this story had a good ending.

To be faiR, i never promised that you'd wake up.

Anyway, I know I kinda left things a bit vague for this story (which was a style choice but some people didn't understand the story)


Y/n went to fetch some sweet flowers for mister adepti bitch, and on the way there, they fought with a group of hilichurls

But suddenly, an abyss mage crept up on poor y/n and casted a curse on her because uh why not.

And while she was sleeping (next to xiao), she suddenly started freezing over, like, visibly. And of course our lovely baby noticed.

So he panicked and went to look for Zhongli. Thanks to childe and zhongli, they managed to get y/n to a doctor and the doc said her heart was literally freezing and turning into ice.

Anyway, to keep her alive Xiao preserved her inside a crystal over like a hundred years or sumn.

But in reality, y/n was already dead and he knows. He's just gonna slowly go depressed and cling onto what little hope he has left.

Don't ask for part III I'm not gonna do it.

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